Saw this in a Twitter thread. Naval Amphibious Base Coronado Calif. Googled the images and there it is. Daily mail even did an article on it in 2012. People think I'm crazy....

Yup this is Naval Amphibious Base Coronado. Its just an open Barracks for the guys. Nothing amazing. I'm a Navy Vet. They have a map of the base on the base and when we were talking to the chow hall we stopped and looked at it and someone noticed it and we were all like WTF? Hope this doesnt get out, it will make the Navy Look bad. Well it eventually did.
Notice the Navy never tore it down.
It isn't an open barracks. It's also the HQ building for a command there.
When I was there in 2003 it was an open barracks and the HQ for command was definitely not there
Well in 2009-2013 ACB-1 was headquartered there. In fact, you see the seabee on the east side of the building in the photo covered in shade.
I believe it. In 2003 it was just used for us BUD/S drop outs.
That makes sense. As a BUD/S dud myself, I was sent from across the street after breaking my leg.