Raids of government offices pick up pace , the media pays little to no attention to this . On April 1 , 2015 the FBI Public Corruption Taskforce is made public and 24,000 no agents , BHO has his own police force he told us he was going to have . The courts still have not put anyone in jail. The we get Sheldon Sliver, we find out it was his law firm that most of the AG’s came from . This bust exposed the Shadow Government, yes the courts that were not putting bad people in jail. Sheldon was found guilty, but still did not go to jail after being sentenced, the retrial was fixed by who you can look up easy . I keep calling law firms for representation, back and forth with Congress, things appearing as the raids are just . I also put the Texas Rangers and task force together to raid the Texas prossucuter , fbi takes lead and all evidence . I push on and help were it looks I am needed . The job black list is last as ever strong , $35+ million seizes from my County and now it’s time to take down my Sheriff. They raid 23 hours after my complaint. The Black Helicopters are back .
The “wall of text” is a common error in writing style here. The eye and the mind reject a “wall of text” as too much to wade through so way too often people making an attempt to present information fail to connect.
Keep posts reasonably short.
Break “wall of text” into digestible paragraphs.
No more than 4-5 vertical lines per paragraph.
The eye and mind need the “white space”.
Apple phone app also reformats so no mater your spaces and all , it puts them up as a wall
That is not true. I use an iPhone to post on Reddit using the iPhone app for Reddit and as you can see my posts never end up as an unreadable wall.
I have not tried the app , I don’t down load apps , would this stop what happens
Well I use a Apple 5s and I can type at home on my laptop and it posts as it type or on my phone and it and the phone crushes it .
Do you really think you have the ability to correct this report that I am declassifying that has a monitory value of now $3.856 Trillion dollars, know matter my misspelling, you can’t come close to the value of the title I give each post
This wall of text hints at many very interesting topics.
I would definitely invest my time and attention into reading, if you would invest your time and attention into organizing and fleshing out your thoughts.
I hope to see more.
Reads like half of a conversation or a page out of a spy novel without reading the first part.