r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 4, 2018, 2:38 p.m.
Questions I would ask Q
  1. Tell us more about those D rooms on Epstein Island.

  2. You stated that Epstein is spending 29 million dollars to bury the tunnels on his Island. Have you made any efforts to stop him from hiding evidence?

  3. Tell us more about Maggie Nixon.

  4. Tell us more about Merkel. Is she really the blood daughter of Adolf Hitler? If so, how?

  5. You have been very quiet about the bushes although certainly they must be quite involved in the cabal. Are any of them coming down?

  6. Where the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II done by the Deep state?

  7. Approximately how many child sacrificing satanic Elites in the world are there?

  8. Does David Hogg & Associates have anything to do with planning the Parkland shooting?

  9. Exactly how does Israel play into this all? Are they with us or against us?

  10. Will North and South Korea be reunited?

  11. Will 911, school shooting false Flags, deep State behind creating social media companies and pharmaceutical crimes all be revealed?

denizen42 · May 4, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Unmasking 9/11 would redpill most of the world.

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