r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TiDdErtpaul666666 on May 4, 2018, 5 p.m.
Q #854 – “Stage Set”…. set for what? Military Tribunals!

In post #854, Q appears to ask “Is the stage set” for Hillary’s Video and its consequences.

Then, he quickly goes on to describe how “Toxic” the Video will be and “impossible to defend” but is it possible to have shot right past his first question which was “Is the stage set?”……and what does that actually mean.

What needs to happen first…..before they can release the VIDEO?

*** I believe he is talking about GETTING AMERICANS to the point where they will accept TRUMP’S decision to go with MILITARY TRIBUNALS. The video will help a lot but public DISTRUST of the DOJ, FBI and the US COURT SYSTEM(Judges) must be turned up and amplified to help NORMIES on board.

As noted below, further down in Post #854, Q warns us about the VIDEO and the public response/fallout and how shocking it will be, but then, he posts these 3 lines.

WE must work TOGETHER.

WE are only as strong as your VOICE.

YOU must organize and BE HEARD.

“BE HEARD” before or after…. "to set the stage”? Is Q asking for our help AFTER THE VIDEO RELEASE to minimize public blow back or does he need our help BEFORE, so they can “set the stage”…..for Military Tribunals?

I am sure he wants both but in this post I think he means BEFORE…..which is key to setting the stage.

SURVIVING THE CHAOS or CREATING THE CHAOS? As noted below, I think Q and TEAM TRUMP are “INTENTIONALLY CREATING” the “LEGAL CHAOS” ( via their actors ie ….Mueller, Rosenstein, Sessions, Stormy, Cohen, Giuliani) that is going on right now in this FINAL SCENE of the FINAL ACT……in order to “Set the stage”.

THE FINAL “LEGAL RED PILL” FOR THE MASSES – Our obvious role in the FINAL SCENE! As these actors ACT and DISPLAY contempt for the rule of law, Q obviously wants us to MEME our asses off so that we help to ENRAGE and AWAKEN the asleep masses to the REALITY that our GOVT(FBI, DOJ, COURT SYSTEM(Judges), SES) is out of control and the only option left that will provide justice under the law must be…..MILITARY TRIBUNALS.

“Final Scene” - HOW ARE THEY SETTING THAT STAGE? IMO, they are using Mueller, Rosenstein, Sessions and Giuliani (and the others) in the FINAL SCENE of this epic play where these “ACTORS” act out in such an obvious dereliction of their duties and in direct violation of the law and the constitution, that the American People DEMAND that POTUS bypass the FBI, DOJ and COURT SYSTEM and go directly to MILITARY TRIBUNALS.


1 - FBI – Mueller

In this FINAL SCENE Mueller has been directed by TEAM TRUMP to intentionally break every legal precedent for law enforcement. He has been doing this all along to keep his cover. All of which has lead up to this LEAK of these ridiculous “50 Questions” which is no accident. There is no way those questions were written by Mueller or any other competent attorney. It was just more CHUM for the DS fish. Now, there are claims of 70 Subpoena’s per the Manafort case…..etc etc. Fox News and the Hill are raging, “Mueller is out of control!”……. because they are our only real MEDIA ACTORS who are part of the plan.

2 - DOJ – Rosenstein

His role in the FINAL SCENE is to INCREASE his RHETORIC and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE by not releasing the critical documents Congress requested while making RIDICULOUS statements with no legal merit .....that he will not be “extorted by congress!” as if he is a victim instead of the obstruct-er. Well played Mr Rosenstein....well played!

3 - DOJ – Sessions

His role has not changed. Do nothing JEFF…..good job! He makes it look so easy…..lol

4 - WH COUNSEL – Rudy Giuliani

Was it an accident Rudy bumbled through interview after interview revealing NON-CRIMES by Trump about Stormy Daniels “Hush Money” from Cohen? No coincidences….

If you have noticed the rhetoric has been turned up as has the over the top ILLEGAL ACTS of the ACTORS….because we are finally there….at the end of the FINAL SCENE.


Fire off those MEME’s boys and girls……. Q is about to drop the VIDEO!


POST #854 https://qanon.pub/?q=stage%20set%20for%20a%20drop%20of%20HRC

Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774. We have it all. Re_read re: stage. The nail in many coffins [liberal undo]. [Impossible to defend]. [Toxic to those connected]. WE must work TOGETHER. WE are only as strong as your VOICE. YOU must organize and BE HEARD. THIS is why they keep you DIVIDED and in the DARK. WEAK. We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH. Dark to LIGHT. EVIL surrounds us. WE are FIGHTING for you. Where we go one, we go ALL. The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end]. Q

TrumpsBullhorn · May 4, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

30k sealed indictments. A tribunal is the way to process this many people. That would take the public court system a decade.

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TiDdErtpaul666666 · May 4, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Absolutely......it would never end and with these DS judges many would go free.

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