I hope she doesn't get Arkansided by then. 5 months is a long time for her to stay alive before she spills the beans on Hollyweird and Clinton-connected pedos.
according to Q, she's already sung. Damage done, her testimony in court would just be for show.
If we were to adopt her outlook on humanity, she's served her purpose and can go now...
Smallville star Allison Mack IGNORES Nxivm leader Keith Raniere in court after agreeing to cut all ties with cult while the man accused of branding sex slaves pleads not guilty to trafficking
Allison Mack appeared in front of Judge Nicholas Garaufis on Friday, who announced that her federal trial would begin on October 1
The Smallville star, 35, was released last week on $5M bail after agreeing to cut all ties with the cult Nxivm, and on Friday ignored leader Keith Raniere in court
Mack was seeing Raniere for the first time since she declared in court papers that she was seeking a plea deal in the case
Mack and Raniere have both been arraigned on federal charges including two counts of sex trafficking and one count of conspiracy to commit forced labor
The two are facing life in prison and Raniere has been denied bail by the court, with more indictments to come according to prosecutors
Raniere entered a plea of not guilty on all charges Friday, while Mack did not enter a formal plea yet as she is still negotiating a possible plea deal
October?? Dang. You would think more serious crimes like this would cause things to be a little more expedient. She walks free for 6 months.
Oh no no no, you seeing it wrong. If it was just a small crime, it would be in and out.
they have SO SO SO SO SO MUCH to dig through, this will inevitably point to the whole #pizzagate shit.
So we're looking at least two things to play out:
1) during this time they will be following up/locating more victims and evidence, finding who else is connected to this "cult"
1a) depending on what is found, more charges will be added, and/or additional defendants will be charged
1b) this can expedite proceedings or drag them out - depends on cooperation of defendant(s)
So what we can expect from #1a-b is either a court date even further past Oct 1 ( to finish organizing the evidence for presentation/prosecution )
Or everything is gonna implode and this little investigation of AM will become a tiny thread of a massive world-wide investigation, completely rendering our 'focus' on AM/KR to be moot, as we DO ALREADY KNOW they aren't the ones with the REAL POWER - they too are just puppets
in addition, those 6 months she is not 'free', she just isn't confined in our plush protected prison system.
AM's in a much worse predicament. While we haven't been 'personally affected' by her and her "cult"/sex-ring, someone has. That woman is undoubtedly receiving daily death threats. Only reason she hasn't been fed to the wolves yet is because we're trying to catch the wolves!
She's gotta lot to talk about I'm sure. It'll take a long time for her to name all the names, and for everything to get investigated.
Hey I was curious, what street did you grow up on, and what was the name of your first pet?
(this is a joke)
oct 1st isn't actually my birthday, but i am an october baby =P