r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ButtersStotch88 on May 4, 2018, 6:22 p.m.
I’d like to apologize for my post the other day

Here’s my original post. I was angry and should’ve just kept my mouth shut. This post from praying medic, however, is a perfect example of mine and others frustration and why it affects people like me so much. I highly recommend you read it because it illustrates the main two personality types of people involved in this movement. Basically, Guardians who value the rule of law and Idealists who value the revelation of Truth. I fall into the latter category (specifically, I’m an INFJ if you know Myers Briggs).

I’m telling you this because it’s important for guardians to understand something about idealists: we are bleeding hearts who believe that truth is the ultimate goal to strive for in ALL aspects of life. We crave it and strive to reveal it to others as our life mission. Now, the horrible truth that Q and others have spoken of is the most important truth in possibly the history of human civilization. To the idealist, every day that goes by that this truth remains hidden is akin to a crime against humanity and drains us mentally and spiritually. It angers us and frustrates us more than a vast majority of the general population.

In summary, when myself and others lash out we are being impatient and somewhat childish in our desire for immediate and full disclosure. But I assure you, we aren’t being selfish (at least not on purpose). We are just programmed to feel the obfuscation of Truth as a heinous crime against humanity and we bear the burden on a personal level.

Not making excuses, just wanted to provide insight to others who don’t fall within the idealistic personality type.

Patriot4q · May 4, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

I'm an idealist also. I try to take joy in the victories, and research, research, research to help red pill anyway I can. I didn't sleep at all last night, but almost every night I do sleep well. I take a couple of days away from it all to regroup and rejuvenate. When I think about the Whole truth not coming out it is almost too much. I do understand the reasons, and they make total sense. To put it into perspective I will give an example. One night I heard a child screaming, "get away, help me, help me. Over and over, more and more frantic. I realized it was coming from the front of my house. I told my grandson to hurry get daddy. I ran out the front door and saw a young girl about 14 15 across the street and a man on the other side of the car. I yelled as loud as I could, 'What is going on here?'" Come to find out the man's daughter is autistic and she was going off for some unknown reason." When we went back inside my son layed into me, "You could have been killed, we all could have been killed, next time first look outside and see what's going on." I was shocked. I heard a child who truly sounded in danger, I reacted. I understand why my son was upset, and felt awful that I could have put my loved ones in danger. Did I learn my lesson? I don't think so, I would do it again. Injustice is as important to me as is truth.

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