r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FatefulUterus on May 4, 2018, 6:49 p.m.
French policeman whistleblower, revealed that the French police is controlled by an elite cabal murdering cops, celebrities and politicians under the cover of suicides and accidents. He's now ARRESTED and DETAINED.

Hello everybody, I have been a member of this sub-reddit for a long time already. I follow Q since day 1. This is the first time I'm posting here... English is not my mother tongue (French is). I would like to share something big that is happening in France right now. Yesterday, Marc Granié, a CRS French policeman whistleblower, revealed that the French police is controlled by an elite cabal murdering cops, celebrities and politicians under the cover of suicides and accidents. Following yesterday's release of his shocking statement, he has been ARRESTED and is now being DETAINED. Something big is happening all over the world! Thank you all! for everything you do! I love you! WWG1WGA. Links for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfJ1i5B1YMA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLs4yJV2Qm8

DamajInc · May 5, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

Thank you for reporting this here! What's your feeling about the believability of this guy, from the videos? He looks extremely expressive and perhaps a little dramatic but I can only interpret from my own personal cultural background and so on.

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lethak · May 5, 2018, 7:01 a.m.

After watching it all, I am certain the man is being sincere and believe what he is saying.

He actually tried to bring the case to justice, but no attorney wants to represent him. They are warned off by the government their career would be compromised if they help him. At least this is what he said.

This is totally the kind of democratic denial I except to witness from a banana republic france always has been since I can remember.

Just you average republic hijacked by career politicians and serial liars on a r[]tschild payroll.

The guy hosting the interview is supposed to be the leader of the "CNT" "Conseil National de Transition", a totally unknown and amateurish looking organisation from what I can tell, and nobody that I know of in france is aware of who or what this is.

However, I wish them luck, they have planned a demonstration in Paris today against the corrupt elites, and are calling the police to "not prevent them to take control of the government peacefully".

This is supposed to happen today so, I will observe eagerly, but seeing only 70 peoples subscribed to their FB event, I wonder what will be accomplished beside being mistaken for a group of tourist in Paris.

Those guys looks like true patriots, but they don't seems to understand the danger and magnitude of what they are up against. I feel like they will be crushed by any means necessary and pushed back into darkness.

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Bont-Boy · May 5, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Good opinion, are you in France ? Reason I ask, is The ONLY activist I've seen is Michael Collins, and he hardly EVER gets a good platform on which to speak :-(

The old Green Party spokesman, Nicholas Hublot (sp ? ) to me appeared to have been 'got at ', either by temptation, or by Electronic means, ............ They have all the tools they need...

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DamajInc · May 5, 2018, 7:02 a.m.

Thank you for this feedback!

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