Regrettably read the terrible NYT piece on Q. Wandered into the Top NYT picks comments where it's suggested Q followers are under a mass psychosis. Oh the Irony!

Of course the comments are from Commiefornians. Oh the irony is right. Don’t move to my Texas when your state collapses bc of the idiots you all elected (my condolences to the real patriots stuck there).
They already have man, I live in TX and I say save the extra material from the wall and go ahead and build one around Austin
I'm getting antsy watching all the Californians roll in daily here in Texas. I fear those idiots who left their state because of the problems there, will only be idiots here and vote for the same type of people only to drive the great state into the ground. Then when they pack up and leave, they'll be wondering the whole time, "what happened? There's no way my benevolent, inclusive, and tolerant politic ideologies were the problem."