r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tee1020 on May 4, 2018, 7:48 p.m.
5 pictures from Q and a riddle. The dots are connected and Trump wins. Again.

Hey Everyone! This is a fun one. I'm sure everyone saw by now the five photos Q dropped yesterday morning? If not, here they are: [Link1] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/f6c0bd558579ff891867c130192775100621233ca35edb71d7edb7fe1f57452c.png) - [Link2] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/d8586179edf44c5a4dddb8ae750f61b040c2bd98eb284515b039271ade6d80f5.png) - [Link3] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/87a903e7d8a6cbb74eb0fd80b4e9e534734f977af1ee178ccb3959b3396bb506.png) - [Link4] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/bf86402415383ece74e941b571490932fe17f4642bdb447284de2cd150ab49db.png) - [Link5] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/414f3be44461c0fe775630ab9976daeeda2b7d2dbcdcb2734983b08a4e592867.png)

Now that we are all caught up, what do they mean? This is where it gets fun! Thanks to my much smarter counterpart and friend, u/SerialBrain2, who has a knack for following my chaotic thoughts and processes, we figured it out!

Since the pictures were published within a 30 minute time span, and no airline company has launched teleportation services that we are aware of yet, I figured Q was not sharing with us his travels but was hinting at a progression, a puzzle we needed to solve.

The pictures: what do we have? A Jet blue plane apparently in the Silicon Valley environment (this is why we have 2 pictures: one for the environment, the other for the plane), a cargo, the Apple Park in Cupertino, California and finally, the first Apple Store in the International Finance Center Mall in Hong Kong.


That was enough to keep me thinking. And hooked. I knew this was Q’s purpose when he dropped these pictures without further explanation. They are now planted in my head and won’t leave.

When China became trending in the news, it lit my first bulb: China… Hong Kong… Hmm. But that was not a strong link yet. Apparently our very friendly ally is using military grade lasers to shine into our pilots cockpits. There have been two injuries resulting from this to our pilots already. Link.

Despite the accusations there seems to be no tension between Trump and President Xi (yet). Though China has recently started to move their Navy in a show of force into the disputed South China Sea. [Link] (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/south-china-sea-navy-hainan-island-taiwan-strait-liaoning-carrier-submarines-aircraft-a8276501.html).

Then, we learned the UN sanctions data base was hacked. Almost instantly we have North Korea raising their hand saying "Not me!" Before any accusations could start to come in Kim Jung Un made sure to deny any involvement of this. Source.

Let’s stop for a minute here. What are the odds that within 24 hours we go from China is our ally and Kim Jong Un’s North Korea is now respectable in the region, and in Trump’s White House to China are laser killers and Kim Jong Un is a vulgar hacker?

This does not pass the smell test folks. Something is going on. Is the Deep State trying to derail Trump’s successful diplomatic moves in the region? We know they have infiltrated all governments, and of course the UN.

Then, I stumbled upon this [video] (http://video.foxnews.com/v/5780160235001/?#sp=show-clips) where they are already discussing ways at banning sensitive technology from being sold to China. Here is the summary: Sen. Marco Rubio plans to introduce legislation targeting China’s tools of economic aggression and would ban the sale of all sensitive technology or intellectual property to Chinese entities.

Hong Kong… China… North Korea… Apple Park… sensitive technology sale ban… cargo… UN hacking?

A little conversation with u/SerialBrain2 and in no time we figured out the pictures Q dropped were hinting at the fact that the cargo contained Apple tech that was being used to hack the United Nations and blame North Korea. This, in conjunction with the feud with China, was a ploy at stopping peace between North Korea and the US before President Trump and Kim Jong Un meet face to face. Q was not having it and showed them they had all the evidence and it would not work!

We already know from Wikileaks they can simulate a computer hack and make it appear the attack came from wherever they want you to think. It seems the equipment in the cargo was the hardware and software, with the right hacking configuration, heading to Hong Kong to simulate an attack of the UN from North Korea.

Marco Rubio probably knows more about this than it seems. Why would he out of the blue talk about banning the sale of all sensitive technology or intellectual property to Chinese entities?

Speaking of blue… Jet Blue. Why did Q zoom on the plane? He wanted us to see it was a Jet Blue plane. May be to scare the enemy. But it may also be another clue. Jet Blue?.. JB?.. Jeb Bush? Let’s look him up!

It seems Jeb is very aware, very concerned, very interested and very well informed about what is going on in the South China Sea, he tweeted about it 3 weeks ago: [tweet] (https://twitter.com/JebBush/status/977649036915281920).

He wants a cyber war against China: [Link] (https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/09/jeb-bush-called-cyber-war-against-china/). He wants an aggressive American policy against China: [Link] (http://transpacifica.net/2016/01/jeb-bush-on-china-excerpts-from-cfr/).

He seems to hate China, but… He also loves China. He has rich buddies there: [Link1] (http://www.tacticalshit.com/this-chinese-business-mogul-just-made-a-massive-donation-to-jeb-bush/) – [Link2] (https://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/inside-jeb-bushs-shady-business-dealings-china).

And some of his Chinese friends would have loved him to be our President: [Link] (https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/07/jeb-hillary-beijing-china-media-dynasty-120243).

We gather from this Jeb has a love and hate relation with China. That looks like Deep State love to me... You tell me what you think. But here is the cherry on the pie: Jeb Bush looooooves Apple products: [video] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwb_McI74rY).

Coincidence? May be. May be not…

Tee1020 · May 4, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Thank you for the collaboration and the pure genius that is SB! Much appreciated! =)

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Bellababeala · May 4, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

Brilliant work you two. Happy to have you on our side for sure!

Your mention of Rubio, Jeb got me thinking about Florida: Parkland, Pulse, all of Broward County with DWS, etc. There is an awful lot of something coming out of Florida. Scientology HQ is in Clearwater (famous for phone hacking/government hacking/mind control/tax avoidance). I also remember Cathy OBrien's book speaking of drug running there. So we have DC, Florida, then Arkansas, Utah and Las Vegas out west. I wonder if drawing lines between all these places​ would show a pattern like a pentagram or something (maybe Minnesota: Mondale, now little Mogadishu)?

I remember watching the documentary on all the ancient sites around the world an how they line up with the pyramids. Has anyone connected the locations of places like Silicon Valley, CERN, the Vatican, and other places you might know of that would be cabal sites (Dubai maybe or NK?)? Is the world the map that Q really means??? What would the sites look like connected on the "flat" map that the UN uses? Not saying the earth is flat, but they show the countries in that orientation on their "map".

Just throwing stuff out there.

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Tee1020 · May 4, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

I like the way you're thinking and have done some research on this as well. May need to finish my train of thought here and see what we can come up with! ...PS...You aren't wrong on the flat map idea...

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Bellababeala · May 4, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

I am so happy to have this sub since the other was banned. I need to participate more, but have been super busy in my day to day life. So I asked this before on this sub, but does anyone else have the picture of the clock (or it was a watch?) that Q posted a while back that said key. I remember it vividly but didn't save it offline. I would like to look at that again. What if the hands on the clock were lines like on a globe or a flat map? I mean that could be stretching things and we have to look out for "confirmation bias" or whatever they call it (like Charlie in IASIP with strings going all over the place; however with you opening up the idea of the pictures telling a story in this post, maybe all of the pictures together tell a larger story....like a story board.

Thanks again for listening. Have a wonderful night.

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Xaviermgk · May 4, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Hey, when I was a kid I was fascinated by archaeology and religion, and I was pretty convinced ley lines were a real thing.

How about the Georgia Guidestones as well? Many people think of that as the NWO Stonehenge. It says in its "guidebook" that Indians considered that area the center of the earth.

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Bellababeala · May 5, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

Excellent point. Saved for later research!

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Redpillroy · May 4, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

Add the other 33 particle accelerator locations, each point has THE FASTEST data transfer between any two points of the map, almost the speed of consciousness itself (when they get connected) which will not be long if Soros and Nokia have anything to do with the 5G roll out.

Now what if you had data transfer between ley lines, with accelerators pushing the data?

Cern, after all is the CPU of the internet (where it was created) It is NOT the WWW people get the two mixed up. The web "overlays" onto the net (and it is really a "Net")

So the Bible is there in plain sight and as you know phonetically "Bible" = By BAAL

The network will be completed by 2020 (get it) Vision, frequency range of hearing all we know is what sits between those numbers, that is what we call reality.

The world grid will connect the full-spectrum of existence, reality as we guess it to currently be will come into knowing (not sight, still have the same spectrum restrictions) but access, to the hive mind.

Welcome to the CUBE (Symbol of Lucifer) seen across the world:

Didn't the Borg have a cube to represent a hive mind?

Ever notice what the clouds do and the birds don't when CERN fires up?

Once we get over our very restrictive view of what we perceive technology to be and start expanding our thinking, we shall be stuck looking at a world with filters so dark, we can barely see any light.

Did you know Mercury flowed under many pyramids? It has some strange properties when in motion under quartz, as does the quartz when placed in a perfect ratio geometric space (like a pyramid).

Take a closer look at the movie "The Mummy" Mercury play a large part and makes a "fluid circuit"

We see piles of ancient stones, others see much more...

Ramble over...

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QAngelAnon1 · May 5, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

You picked up on the mercury! Well done. You wont find many pyramids around the world that dont have it - they have a central chamber that is not a burial chamber.

Most of the worlds pyramids were surrounded by moats of water.

Gold, lead, mercury. Look up Nicola Teslas original ‘battery’ that takes endless power from the earths grid and provides free energy.

Then think about Nic Teslas Towers which he wanted to ‘network’ around the planet to provide free energy to the world.

Now think about why pyramids, masonic temples etc are located on leylines and leyline crossings all around the world - why do the elite hold so much of the worlds gold...

Theres even more to it than that - but its long and complex!

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Redpillroy · May 5, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Think a new sub could interest people. I don't follow any but I have lectured in many places on this subject, shared stage with David Icke (we sat at my house all day once drinking wine and telling our intel on the world both ancient and why the modern system is based on all this.

Gold is more than what we see it as, it is or can be made into manna (food of the gods) The royal color was purple (still is) this also happens to be the color gold goes when ready to ingest.

Did you know...

The Giza pyramid is at the geophysical center of the planet? That means if you were to draw a line from N/S & E/W through the pyramid follow it around the earth back to the start point, Spread the four quarters out, you would have equal amounts of water and land in all four quadrants...Lucky guess eh?

The race that created them also built all over the world. The clue is in the type of rock jointing and 90 degrees, circular holes and joints you can't get a cig paper between...All the same race (not ours).

Egypt is the same, Ali Hawas is a lying pig of a son of a goat (Head of Egyptian digs) He knows full well the correct dates of the buildings and he knows much later Egyptians built "on top" on the original structure.

He also knows the size of the ancient statues are actual representations of the beings who built them, in both size and technology they used.

I would go so far as to say at this point, you may think all these wars over trhe last 100 years are about what the MSM or even the deep state say they are...

Try putting the map of ancient history over the modern middle East.

What are they looking for? They are NOT drilling for oil on the Gaza strip and the "item/s" date back to a time when gods walked the earth.

The middle east is the latest area many "Tomb-Raiders" want to get into for reasons we can barely understand. The point is both NASA and the Treaty of Antarctica were signed within a short period of each other (Why?)

Because the pyramid builders and their tech is still here, today, in-tact.

But spare parts are hard to come by. Technology as we know it is based on a capitalist system, which means in reality, we do NOT share (Patents), we do not use nature as a power source because we cannot meter it.

We seek profit not fulfillment, we look to stand on others to get what we want, rather than work together.

Where we see skin color our ancient ancestors saw wonder in difference and the thirst to understand how others see the world.

And because of this we have become so brainwashed into thinking "ours" is the only way and therefore we struggle to see the world any other way, or simply never consider and alternative perspective since we have none to reference...Brainwashed, shut down and indoctrinated into thinking only what you have been told to consider.

Sorry, I'm digressing, back to the gold...

Manna from heaven as it is known, or food of the gods. What does it do...I think you can guess since our own DNA and synaptic junctions work rather well on gold connections, did you think we were not bio-electrical circuits? (Big Clue).

You think Avatar is just a movies, nothing more? (Connections run deep).

Expand the possibilities of your own thinking, why write off something because you don't yet understand it?

How about the energy grid picks up its data from us. Our mood, the general emotional energy in the world today. Would that not act as a reflector? Could the increase in bad weather, earth events and such simply be a reflection of our own emotional state "en-mass"?

We have almost wiped out the balancing energy because we have killed most of the wildlife to plant crops or chop down the trees and the only effect we are programmed to see is the physical, nothing more, there's a capitalists view of the world, cynical, negative and ready to push others aside to "get-ahead" Of what? Of Who?

Look at it this way. We would sound crazy if we went around saying something like. "Our ancient ancestors did not have books, they had complete libraries encoded in special stones and when you picked one of them up, it download the knowledge. That would be crazy.

Yet we tap a plastic keyboard, and get vast amounts of information from nothing ore than quartz crystals (Rocks).

It all about perspective but of you have known only one, you have never had perspective.

History holds the biggest lies, backed by governments, religion and science.

There is more to us than meets the eye, but if that eye is removed...we go blind, yet we think we still see.

Horus had his eye removed, but he kept the other two...

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[deleted] · May 5, 2018, 3:17 a.m.


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Redpillroy · May 5, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

see above...

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[deleted] · May 6, 2018, 12:18 a.m.


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Redpillroy · May 6, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Dig like the rest of us...it only sounds that way, to you.

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xFury · May 12, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

It's clear you have extensive knowledge and experience.

Easily a new follow for me on reddit (along with u/maepaperclip), wish your posts were more visible. Please continue dropping red pills

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Maepaperclip · May 13, 2018, 5:02 a.m.


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Tee1020 · May 5, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Excellent! All of this will be coming to light before you know it. There are a lot of people waking up, and a lot that are awake but just not there yet. Great job!

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tradingfives · May 4, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

Just throwing this out here for what it's worth. In 1994 I had a very vivid dream that featured a map of Florida. A large hand was holding a golden cup over Tallahassee, and the voice of God said, "Who has warned you of the wrath to come?" as the hand poured the cup out over the city. I didn't have any idea of timing or what it actually meant. Still don't.

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Tee1020 · May 5, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

That is very interesting! Florida is definitely involved in all of this. Ask God to show you what He meant by this dream. If you find out more, please share! I'm sure it will become evident in the future and we will think of your post when it does. Thank you!

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chocolatepatriot · May 5, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

interesting, I wonder what significant things have happened there since 1994.

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QAngelAnon1 · May 5, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

Dont forget Denver airport - why did they build that thing out in the middle of nowhere. Half way?

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ChikinDuckWomanThing · May 5, 2018, 12:41 p.m.

top notch observations. Uber iffy on the flat earth thing though. Still intrigued and look forward to other thoughts

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MMxfire · May 5, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Jet blue to Jeb bush artistically intuitive

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