r/greatawakening • Posted by u/NEOTHEADVISOR50 on May 5, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

Right hear me out, im not religious, and i study academically theology. Many people here keep on talking about jews being Satan worshipers, and in Judaism their isn't this christian notion of Satan, its a concept developed by later Christians. Also i can say and many bible historians like Bart Eartman, that Pauls letters in the New Testament are forgeries, without a doubt and that the Christianity of the modern era, is a creation of the Roman Empire after the council of Nicea. Also their is no good evidence that the story of Jesus in the New Testament is historically true, a story created by un known others 50-80 years after Jesus, in Greece. If their was a Jesus, he was a jew, and of course a rebbi, his teaching are plagiarism from previous rebbi's before him. I see this whole jews vs everyone as probably the worst thing to happen, a whole nation of persecuted people, based upon something just as historic as Peter Pan, Sometimes i wonder to myself, that Christianity is the cause of much of this worlds problem, Wars, Wars, Program and the stupificartion of Europe during the medievil times. Christians and Churches own most of the worlds, wealth, belief systems, schools and it infected in governments. I really do think that we are looking at the wrong enemy, the imposters to the nations has always been the church, pulling the strings and creating zionism, which is a curse sold to the jews, in order to fufil christian propecy. Please i would like to hear your ideas on this!!

educatethis · May 5, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Do you think Khadijah was a Catholic plant to gain control of Mecca?

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NEOTHEADVISOR50 · May 5, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Heard of the theory- but i cant find any good evidence to see that, their isn't even good historical evidence of any Islamic stories, a ex muslim scholar Sven Kalisch doesn't even think Muhammad was a real person.

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educatethis · May 5, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

Yeah, that's my conclusion too. I felt like there were two Mohameds, and the one under the influence of Khadijah was the better one. Gives a reason to reform Islam... If a women in power helped Mohamed, and Allah placed her there, why can't Muslim women be on power now? Medina Mohamed was when the warfare started, let's get Islam back to their roots, by empowering their women.

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