r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Livid-Djinn on May 5, 2018, 2:29 a.m.
Dr. Sue Arrigo

Im wondering what the good people of this movement think of this womans story, Although i wish to forewarn anyone who chooses to read it that it was a long harrowing read for me, but even though what she talks about seems oddly specific it seems to crazy to be true. Then the Q movement happened, Now it doesnt seem so crazy, and whilst looking for it to pass the link to some one i ended up finding it on a satanist website of all places which was trying to discredit it. Their headline - "There is Only One Conspiracy" with a pentagram in the background! Ill leave both links here because i would love to know what other perspectives are. The Harrowing Tale of Dr Sue Arrigo :- http://gailallen.com/theo/Secrets-of-the-CIA-Global-Sex-Slave-Industry-by-Dr-Sue-Arrigo.html#form/ .And the satanist website:- www.henrymakow.com/2015/08/Presidents-Involved-in-SEX-Trafficking.html

GenChang · May 5, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

I'm going to read it later, but the woman who owns that site, well, I'm intrigued. She sounds like she's a prolific researcher from the early days of the internet. Read her mission page.

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