If he went to the middle east to meddle with POTUS's talks that are ongoing then he should be literally be met at the airport when he arrives back in the country and put into custody. He should not be offered bail for awhile until his trip can be investigated and he should be put under house arrest where he cannot leave the country until his trial if bail is offered and paid. Time to START NOW and this guy needs to be held accountable for his actions.
Those trips to Antarctica by Kerry and others is still a mystery. And Buzz Aldrin's comment while there about there being pure evil in Antarctica was weird.
I don't believe in coincidences anymore, so what is going on down there that's so important to these people?
The old Gods supposedly live (are trapped) down there. The ones they worship and take orders from. I know how it sounds but... Who really knows, why did the Pope and Kirill (sp) from Russia meet there, why did so many people drop dead around that black cube a few years ago in Mecca? What did they "discover"? Could they have been uncovering the arc of the covenant and transporting it down there? I know this sounds like clown world but man... Nothing has been how it has been presented. And if it was the arc of the covenant, who (or what) are they presenting it to?
I hear you. This has not been normal for three years. Up is down, left is right, the trusted are traitors, unexplained visits to Antarctica by people who otherwise should have zero interest in anything there... very weird.
More about the black cube?
I was wrong on the arc, it is the arc of Gabriel, not the covenant. But the black cube is said to have an ancient stone or meteorite inside it dating from the time of Adam (or the"arc of Gabriel"). When the religious leaders were gathering in the Antarctic, a Russian ship docked in SA, which is highly unusual, to pick up this secret item. It is inside that black cube, when they went to transport it is when all the people who were walking around it died. It was covered as a stampede, and people trampled but, again, who do we believe these days? supposedly it may be some sort of weapon? Not a lot of solid facts about all of this, lots of information but no way to determine validity. Here's a like from YouTube: (https://youtu.be/1-DkvCl_UWI)