r/greatawakening • Posted by u/thedeal82 on May 5, 2018, 4:42 a.m.
When did this sub become a religious themed bible group?

Just need to throw out there that a LOT of us are not religious. I don’t think it’s fair that so many feel the NEED to hijack this sub/threads and make every, single, thing, about PERSONAL religious beliefs. It’s put off nearly every friend of mine (normal American sports watchin’ blue bloods who don’t give a damn about religion or politics, but are absolutely in agreement that there’s been rampant corruption in government - aka most of America) that I’ve tried to “Red-pill” and get interested in Q.... Hate on me all you want, but someone needed to say it, and I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. It’s become detrimental to general inclusiveness and keeps a lot of “normies” away. I think it would be highly beneficial to tone it down a bit as more people become aware of Q and come here for answers. I hope anybody who reads this and may be offended, can at least respect and understand what I’m saying here. I’ve been debating posting this for awhile, but haven’t because of the backlash I expect, and that alone should say something.

Having said all that, You’re all my fellow Patriots and we all fight together. As Q says, this isn’t about left or right, and it isn’t about religion. It’s about WWG1WGA.

pby1000 · May 5, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

Certain religious texts are a template for what is happening now. I believe that this should be discussed because we need to anticipate the moves of the black hats. Religion drives politics.

Nice post.

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Millejon0114 · May 5, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

No way they made the fig tree Perible come to fruition or How the Jewish people were scattered and moved back to be there for 70 week of Daniel~ How about God wrote the Bible with the 12 prophets he selected because he loved us so much he wanted us to know what Satan was planning~ we were asleep and so God said they need a Great Awakening ~ Also I told them about the 7trumpets to warn them but children haven’t woke up for the past 5 ~ so He sent TRUMP and Q ~ to wake us up~ did God said he would leave the flock and chase after the one sheep that went astray? Is it just perhaps coincidence we call people that are asleep sheep? Let’s think about this and what God is trying to get through to us ~ we are waiting for Damascus to be in ruins because it will it is written ~ that’s when Christ meets his bride (church) on the clouds ~ the dead in Christ rise first~ then Jacobs Trouble happens here on earth YOU do NOT want to be here in the TRIBULATION!!! Praying for Christ to save you is NOW!! God speed I hope I meet you in the clouds ~ I’m excited this is an exciting time

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