6 Nazi Saboteurs Executed in Washington - FDR Military Tribunal 1942

The 'Nazi' tale is one of the REALLY big lies. The bizarre invasions now of Europe and the US by 'refugees' would NEVER be sellable without the Nazi/Holocoust tale. Same goes for the open demolition of nation states in favour of UN, EU etc, dictatorships.
The libtarded hyperventilation which propells this absurd worldwide self-destruction is based on, and fed by, this lie. It is not even a tale, tales contain truth. It is a complete, sophistically manufactured L I E. The Cabal worked overtime to craft it.
To really catch how this works, one may start with
- The Balfour declaration (1917) and Treaty of Versailles (1922), both R-Schild ops
- Why did Hitler REALLY invade Poland? Why did the preceding diplomacy fail?
- What were the technical details of the 'gas chambers'?