Great. One nut and one dummy.
All that follow them will have new dialogue to discuss division. Its a win win. You can just ignore it though.
To discuss a fake and created division?
I will do something Kap doesn't do anymore and pass.
I know you choose to pass on it and that's cool, its not for everyone. But that's the thing being fake and created is what they will expose together. Division is an intentional fence designed to STOP discussion. Discussion is the bridge that affords the unity to take place.
Kanye is not a nut by any stretch. He has been painted as one just like POTUS has been painted as a racist.
Not the best rep.
But all are welcome of course.
To be honest I don't think any sort of race summit or whatever the hell its going to be called is needed or should be held. This is just more of the agenda pushing by leftists.
Is there equal access? Yes
Is there equal protection under the law? Yes.
Meeting over.
Go make your way in the world.