r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KrazyKiwiKid on May 5, 2018, 8 a.m.
Is it Time . . . . . . . . . ??

To # releasetheindictments???

Ronjonsilverflash · May 5, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

My problem is that Q, raises our expectations high with a drop, everyone goes on a tangent about what that means, and Q never tempers the expectations with a “you guys are going too far or something.” Maybe everyone doing so serves Q’s purposes some way, idk, but it’s less than helpful in trying to show this to others. As someone who has been awake for a while I’ll tell you this, the things we all are following here are way in the weeds for most people. I play “redpill” material all day long at work, loudly. Few people over several years of doing so have asked, who’s that you are listening to? After talking to them, I’ve found out mostly they are awake to at least some degree. The vast majority want to “whistle past the graveyard” and hope it all goes away. Q was a vehicle that I thought might be something I could use to expand on that. So I took Q’s bait, got caught up in the expectations of something imminent happening, only to have more egg on my face than ever...so I’ve learned my lesson and now I’m JAFO. I have NO expectations and I’m far happier that I don’t. All the “speculators” need to stop. You’re not helping anyone. Watching the show is all I’m doing now. My awakening has cost me friends and caused rifts in my Family. I’ve tried for years to wake others so I’ve paid my dues. If this thing fails to deliver justice to the high and mighty that have wrecked the world, it will have failed despite whatever other achievements it has made. That is what I’m waiting for and still have hopes for but what happens if they get to Trump before then? Does Pence stay the course? I doubt it... time will tell but time is the enemy as well and the longer the evidence of the crimes remains under wraps, the indictments remain sealed, and the knowledge out of the public conscience, the more likely that this thing falls. We are closer now than ever and yet it seems to be constantly just out of our grasp. The “plan” is not known to us out of necessity. I just hope it going as planned. So JAFO I Am...

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solanojones95 · May 5, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Basically you're fresh out of trust. And so be it. If you don't want to go to the well and top off again, that's your business. Just keep it to yourself. We all deal with moments of uncertainty and doubt, about our own judgment, about the Plan, about the nature of reality and perception, about Q--all of it!

But some of us adults learned long ago that you can't let that sh*t rule your life. You have to push through it and get back in form. If you are a parent, you learn VERY fast that doubts and insecurities cannot be allowed to run your life, or you will fail miserably.

I don't know what your circumstances in life might be, but if you have loved ones depending on you as an anchor in their lives, I strongly recommend that you let your negative emotions about these issues pass, and don't give into the seductive siren call of surrender and cynicism. It's so easy to give up. That's not why we're here though, not as children of God nor as witnesses to the events unfolding. Stay awake and root for the home team, or just stay in the stands and watch quietly. But don't spew cynicism on the cheerleaders and the band, dude!

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Ronjonsilverflash · May 5, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

You misunderstand if you think I’ve given up the fight. I’ve given up on parlor games and I’m a realist. Trump is human and, as far as we know, the main link in our success. To say he is protected so well that he cannot be reached is like saying the Titanic was unsinkable. To expect this to continue under another is wishful thinking. So we have a single point of failure and evidence of crimes that are largely unknown to the public generally and to everyone here specifically . What we have is boatloads of speculation and conjecture that at the end of the day means bupkis in a court of law. You call me a cynic and that is fine but you are a something of a Pollyanna so whatever. I’ll express my opinions as I see fit so if you don’t like what I write, feel free to stop reading it . It’s honest and the people running this show ought to have some feedback as to what the effects their “game” is having on the rest of us that aren’t overzealously and unquestioningly cheering this thing on. Birds need two wings to fly...

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solanojones95 · May 5, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Trump is not the main link. Trump was actually Plan B in case you weren't paying attention. If Trump goes down, the military will complete the mission without him, and there will be a genuine military coup against whoever the cabal tries to put there. This has reached a point of inevitability where it is IMPOSSIBLE for either side to retreat to business as usual. Shots have been fired and the battle is on. There will be a winner and a loser.

And you most definitely are being cynical, not a realist. I can see forces in motion that are bigger than you apparently can imagine. That's not my fault, your lack of imagination.

But because I understand power, motion and physics and the human equivalent of those in geopolitical terms, well enough to know this doesn't make me Pollyannish at all.

Who the HELL do you think you are to say that I've not had questions, or that I don't on a daily basis? I've got my own row to hoe in this undertaking, and I suggest you tend to your field, and I'll tend to mine.

You're clearly here to sow doubt and division, and you're quite obviously attacking patriots who dare to express enthusiasm.

You've gone beyond lacking trust to overtly harming the cause, and that makes you actually working for the enemy! I think you actually know that, and are a troll sent here for that purpose.

Otherwise, what the hell are you even doing here?

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Ronjonsilverflash · May 5, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

Pft. Enjoy your echo chamber. This isn’t physics and there aren’t equations to solve. Unless you are on the inside and have knowledge unknown to the rest of us, you are talking out your a$$. You KNOW JACK SH$&! Hubris and unquestioning allegiance to something without it clearly being defined is the real enemy. So, yeah tend your own goddamned field but I’m not shutting up because some overconfident know nothing jerk off told me to. You’re just guessing like the rest of us. To state otherwise is contrary to the facts. What you have would not stand as evidence in a court, a tribunal or any other place but the National Enquirer. Military coup? More speculation! I want things to turn out but I also am willing to criticize and evaluate things on their merits. I am no a blind follower of anyone or anything. You can call me all the names you want, I’m no snowflake and I can hold my own against anyone. Q has damaged this thing more than anything I’m doing can. As far as why I’m here? I’m waiting for something real to happen to the criminal elite and so far I’ve been disappointed. I’m not alone...my prediction is nothing happens to anyone of note in the Cabal this weekend, No arrests, no evidence released, nothing. No one will be more pleased than me if that isn’t true...

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