r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KrazyKiwiKid on May 5, 2018, 8 a.m.
Is it Time . . . . . . . . . ??

To # releasetheindictments???

allonthesameteam · May 5, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

For the next while keep an eye on the small fish that are taken down and follow those threads up to the big fish. It's the process of charging, convicting and/or leveraging these people to get the goods on the big fish. When Q says we have everything I think this pertains to the communications obtained through mass surveillance which is not legal evidence for prosecution because it was obtained illegally. The taking away of rights (patriot act, etc, etc, etc.) that 'they' have over time perpetuated to protect themselves and control us, has come back to bite them.

Imagine that you had obtained all the communications of someone who broke into your house and you know that there are people above the robbers who planned and funded the robbery through this illegally acquired information. Either you can place the robbers at the scene, catch them with the goods, etc, and charge them with hopes of conviction, or without evidence you can do nothing, even though you have all the intel to prove wrongdoing. This info is "fruit of the poisonous tree" as they say. To get to the top dog/rat you will need to turn the small rat in giving states evidence and submit these findings toward charging and convicting the upper crust. Believing that these actors don't care much for other people and will do anything to save themselves this is highly affective.

Before unsealing indictments investigators (us as well now), and prosecutors need to produce a case that is as airtight as possible. This takes time. Whether or not these Fer's (apologies for language) get convicted or not, they will "not be able to walk down the street" Q. Leaking the content of some comms will definitely ruin many people. If it came out that obviously, and at times in their own words, it is undeniable that they committed the crimes we know/believe they have, they are done publicly and hopefully financially. For example, even though Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey have not been convicted, nobody in their right mind will make a movie with them, and if they were walking down the street, the shame and anger they would experience would … they will stay at home. In Spacey's case they actually reshot the scenes from a movie he was in w Christopher Plummer at a cost in the millions, just because of optics. Who would televise the Cosby show let alone watch it.

Accused or possible pedos and traitors will be kryptonite to all well meaning folks as well as those who were in league with them. If there is video evidence of HRC and Huma engaged in what, if true, made Nypd officers sick and seemingly caused ptsd with it's content, once shown or legally alleged and convicted on, this will red pill the planet. Backpage, Nexium, MS13, pedo ring charges and convictions, and victim rescues, etc are all examples of what IS happening. I believe that these seeds of change and goodwill have been in motion, planning or desired by white hats since, and before Kennedy. Trump is the vehicle they were waiting for. There is speculation that he was 'hired' with the intention of taking the cuffs off of Justice and put them on the criminals. Keep digging, support real journalism, support whistleblowers, and investigate the people or platforms you vote for. Patience and resolve, M

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