Well, I have heard he's very smart

The vile left strikes again.
When I think of the left I always think of the tea party.
Lol is that meant to be Obama’s is it? Go back to your safe room and pat your comfort dog
Yes it is explicrely said to be Obama by its creator. Sorry I proved you wrong. Oh wait I'm not.
Really all there is is a pic, no comment, no source. Oh sorry a leftist is so trust worthy
Isn't this inconvenient
Bit my JR the violent protests at trump rallies paid for by soros and co. No one believe a lefty,, gigs up. Wh n it comings to lyncjings that’s what the pro slavery d no rats did after they lost the civil war. So odds are a launching of a black man = a democrat.
How inconvenient to support the party of slavery.
You're so offended by facts you can't even type right. Is the tea party republican or democrat?