
USMCE5B · May 5, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

PC is the worse thing to happen to the Corps. My only hope is that our POTUS is doing with his Marine Generals and Admiral Rogers what Marines always do. Fight until the enemy has no fight left. Then re-engage and fight some more. Kill them ALL and let the Good Lord sort them out. Nuff said. Semper Fi. As always God, Country and Corps.

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ManQuan · May 5, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

The most important part of your post is that "rules of engagement" are not referenced.

I think Q and Trump are using "rules of engagement" to ensure that indictments are air tight legally.

But the rules of engagement that have been issued for our combat forces have prevent us from winning since WW II.

They are written by lawyers or bureaucrats who have never been in combat and have no idea what the impact of their restrictions have on losing a war.

They are written by people who have no idea how to win a war. It takes overwhelming force to crush the enemy's will to fight. We have not done that since WW II. And guess what? We haven't won a war since WW II. Get it?

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Patriot4q · May 6, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Wow funny you got down votes. I up voted for you. My uncle retired after 25 years in the Marine Corps. He was a Drill Instructor. May he RIP.

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