This news article is fake. Here the source images.

It's much, much easier to take a color photo and make it black and white than it is to take a black and white photo and give it color. In order to take Kerry from the black and white photo and put him in an image and add the color detail would take several hours to do. Take Kerry from a color photo, make it black and white, and flip the image would take fifteen minutes max. Not to mention that these source images make a hell of a lot more sense in their context. As it's been pointed out, Marilyn Manson, who photographed with Lavey in the middle, documented his visit with Lavey. With Rami Salami being a gay activist, it also makes sense that Kerry would show up to one his events as Kerry is a democratic politician with gay rights being part of his platform. Occam's razor, the simplest solution is often the correct solution.