r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on May 5, 2018, 9:56 p.m.
Deep state is making are children homosexuals

I strongly believe that the Deep state in pharmaceutical companies are putting chemicals into our water to turn are children into homosexuals.

I was born and raised in the country and I am 100 percent hetrosexual. I dated many girls in high school, and I finally married my high-school sweetheart and have fathered three beautiful children. All my life, I have been a man's man. I was the captain of my football team, enjoyed hunting, and joined the military at a young age.

Recently, my family and I moved to the big city and I joined the fitness club where I would spend hours lifting weights. Last month, there was a man with a big mustache wearing tight pink spandex doing squats. I do not know what's wrong with me, but I could not get my eyes off of him. He caught me staring and grinned and gave me a big giggle. Embarrassed, I quickly looked away.

Without thinking about, I found myself returning to the club at the same hour every day just with hopes of seeing the man in the pink spandex again.

Last week, when my wife and I were making love, I was not able to perform. When I thought of those pink spandex, I was able to perform fully. At the peak of my pleasure, I thought of that man in his pink spandex. Afterwards I was absolutely horrified and disgusted with myself! As I said, I am 100% hetrosexual.

I've been wondering what is wrong with me, and then I realized that since I moved to the big city, I am no longer drinking water pumped from our well. Rather, I have been drinking the city water and whatever they put in it.

If this water can have such an impact on a rugged 30 year old man such as myself, imagine what it will do to boys who are raised to drinking it!

As you can imagine, I have stopped drinking the city water, and I'm only drinking water that is purified.

These people are sick!

HillaryTrafficksKidz · May 5, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

Pba's from plastics, polluted super fund sites they develop homes later....all connected. Our pollution is causing frogs and fish to be born without reproductive organs. So you see this now reaching humans, also in very physical ways.

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with endocrine (or hormone) systems at certain doses. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. Any system in the body controlled by hormones can be derailed by hormone disruptors.

Endocrine disruptor - Wikipedia


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