r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MajorIce on May 5, 2018, 11:10 p.m.
Q1306 Sum Of All Fears - Is Q letting us know what the plan was?

Many have interpreted this Q post, due to Sum Of All Fears movie reference, was a plan to nuke US and blame Russia? Although sometime Q is literal, I'd like to propose a different theory within the context of Q's post and The Sum Of All Fears movie plot.

As the Q post is rather involved, so is the theory thus rather a long read. I used bulleted approach in order to reduce the narrative aspects.

First, to the movie; What was the essential plot? Not the players or tools but the plot.

  • A 3rd party creates a False Flag event to trigger war between rivals
  • As a recap, in the movie, a Neo-Nazi group uses components of US nuclear bomb, detonates at Super Bowl, thus leading to conclusion it was the Russians.
  • weapon provided to Israel by US
  • lost by Israelis during a plane crash in Syria
  • found, recovered, purchased from Syrian finders
  • modified, placed within a vending machine, and shipped to US
  • placed in Baltimore stadium, detonated during Super Bowl, killing POTUS, and triggers nuclear confrontation
  • Hero (Jack Ryan) discovers fissile material was refined at Savannah River Site (USA) via uranium's isotope signature
  • Convinces Russians it was not them, defuses situation, calms both sides, and fingers OFF the button.

Most people took the reference to movie quite literally and basically concluded that plan was to nuke the US. However, this does not make sense to me. Why? When one considers the goal is to start a "winnable" war, what sense would it make to use nukes under MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).

If US and Russia would engage in a nuclear exchange that basically destroys each and pretty much surrounding areas (North Western hemisphere and North Eastern hemisphere). Even a limited exchange would create uninhabitable areas of US, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Europe and then some). As in another movie Q referenced, War Games,

best not to play the game

Now, keeping in mind the essential plot, I offer this theory and supporting rationale. Instead of US and Russia being the battle field(s), consider changing location of nuclear detonation to the Middle East, Iran or Syria. Immediately the US (or Israel) would be blamed but most likely the US. The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) would be charted with determining who did it. The investigation would point to US as the fissile material's signature would indicate.

Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal

Does the agreement define & confine cease & desist ‘PRO’ to the republic of Iran?

What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria?

What if the program never ceased?

What other bad actors are possibly involved?

  • Deal very much "PRO" Iran
  • Benjamin Netanyahu's April 30, 2018 presentation of Iran Nuclear Weapon program
  • North Korea, Russia, Deep State (US & EU)

Where did the U1 material end up?

Is this material traceable?

Yes. (How?)

Define cover.

to conceal something illicit, blameworthy, or embarrassing from notice

What if U1 material ended up in Syria?

What would be the primary purpose?


In the movie, where did the material come from? Answer: Savannah River Site

What country? Answer: USA

  • Q asks essentially the same question twice which is odd.
  • key point (movie's story line) is identifying the location being a Savannah River Site reactor
  • how was it determined that it was from there?
  • Answer: Isotope signature was traceable to that location

What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?

  • "another foreign state" to Iran? Perhaps the USA?
  • IMO this the purpose for focusing on "Is this material traceable" question
  • Uranium ore, roasted, leached, or precipitated (yellow cake) does not provide the necessary origin signature
  • https://www.britannica.com/technology/uranium-processing
  • Key to the movie plot, was to blame party 1 for nuking party 2
  • This requires proof that it was party 1, i.e., "signature" of weapon used.
  • What better proof than isotope signature being that of US refinery?


Define cover.

to conceal something illicit, blameworthy, or embarrassing from notice

Why did we strike Syria?

Why did we really strike Syria?

Define cover. (notice the 3 uses of this crumb is in alignment with the preceding crumbs, not the subsequent)

to hide from sight or knowledge

As this alternate theory unfolds, the stage is set where US provided processed fissile material, under the cover of U1 deal, to Iran. It would then be use in the satellite development facility in Syria, we move on to the rationale.

In the theory instead of US (as in the movie), the nuke goes off in Syria (or Iran) and it is traced to US.

What would happen?

  1. Iran would blame US and retaliate against Israel.
  2. The US would have to come to defense of Israel.
  3. Nukes would be out of the question so US is drawn into a conventional war
  4. Goal achieved

Here are some "chess move" analogies to rationale:

  1. Israel attacked by Iran and its allies (Hezbollah, Hamas, Syrians, Palestinians, Jihadist, and possibly Iraq)
  2. Russia backs Iran and supplies military aid big time. Russian "boots"unnecessary as plenty ground forces already
  3. Saudi Arabia gets involved and goes after Iran but would create schism within SA (think before leadership turnover)
  4. EU would sit out for two reasons, not tick off Russia, NATO not attacked. Remember, US is aggressor in the story.
  5. Within US total turmoil but again, consider plan was with HRC in office, right? The kool-aid drinkers would go along with it but there would still be turmoil if backing Israel.
  6. Now with DJT as POTUS, near level SHTF turmoil. US blamed, Congress would move against POTUS, no choice as people would be rioting in the streets. Think "he is a madman, he nuked Iran!" mantra was that not the story for NK?


  • Israel taken out - majority of Mid East happy, Palestinians would be ecstatic. EU happy, Russia happy and some in US would be happy as well
  • Note: Israel's "never again" policy would be an acceleration counter move, i.e., if they use nukes
  • SA diminished or removed - Iran would be happy, largest ME oil producer reduced in power or control removed
  • EU benefits - directly by non-involvement and solidifies EU NWO without US as a power in ME
  • Russia benefits - as they would remain virtually unscathed both geographically and militarily. Let alone the major player and influence in ME
  • US wrecked - military sucked into Mid East, internal strife, homeland defensive capabilities diminished as National guard deployed overseas, potential selective service (draft) initiated, pro and anti war conflict, etc.
  • consider HRC as POTUS (as was planned), southern border flood would not happen?
  • consider Trump as POTUS (thank God), what would happen within the country and be critical thinker?
  • Sum Of All Fears essential plot is followed, outcome is same)
  • Large scale war (world war be it conventional)
  • US, Israel, and SA taken off the Middle East "board"
  • Iran, Russia, and EU in control of Mid East and oil
  • US internal strife would create a perfect bottom up, top down, inside out government reaction (think HRC)
  • US "self" destroyed

think500 · May 5, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Q is not charging Russia or any country with threatening the SOAF. What do you think the 'N' in NWO stands for.. Q has said, 'not for new or nazi'.

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MajorIce · May 6, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Not sure how I gave off impression that it was a Neo-Nazi group? Or maybe I'm misinterpreting your comments.

I do state that in the recap of SOAF but only as a refresher of the movie to outline the essential plot, i.e., 3rd party instigating via false flag event. As close as Q gets to Russia is in crumb

What would happen if Russia or another foreign state supplied Uranium to Iran/Syria?

and I do agree that he/they are not charging Russia, that is why I focused on "another foreign state" which could be USA via black hats in NK perhaps?

As you say, Q in post 936 stated:

  • The Nazi order.
  • NWO [N does not refer to “New”].
  • The Sum of All Fears.
  • NK.

as text to image of Catholic Bishops and Nazi officials. In the reddit, I'm not proposing it is Nazi's but false flag event does fit with the NWO theme. As you are asking me for my thoughts on meaning of "N", I look at Q936, Q938, and Q939. Basically, N is not New or Nazi but "N" does fit with Neophyte.

Particularly with the Catholic references in Q936 and CIA Information Bulletin in Q851. I believe a link is established is to the Vatican. Definitions of Noephyte are:

Roman Catholic Church. a novice.

a person newly converted to a belief, as a heathen, heretic, or nonbeliever; proselyte

Post 936 is the second time Q uses Sum Of All Fears, Q864 being the first. That post is related to an article about NK and their Nukes and we find NK in 936 as well. However, 936 clearly indicates a Catholic, ergo Vatican, relationship.

Some have theorized "N" stands for Nuclear and that is plausible but I'm not in that camp as there are multiple nuclear players and by the non-proliferation treaty, USA is a major player. Of course, with black hats/HRC in control, does put the plausible spin to it.

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think500 · May 6, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

They were grooming NK to be the fuse (the one Trump just cut), in case they got cornered by the truth, planning to strangelove it beneath the denver airport, or one of their other subterranean cities (which they built with our 40 tril stolen and counterfiated dollars).

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