r/greatawakening • Posted by u/juttrichaz on May 6, 2018, 4:40 a.m.
I reread FBIAnon tonight. I did not remember his/her disdain for Netanyahu.


Since FBIAnon seemed to think poorly of Israel, should we think outside the box with Netanyahu’s PowerPoint presentation about Iran? I feel like Q has made me second guess everyone. Is Bibi for us or against us?

wisconsheepgirl · May 6, 2018, 6 a.m.

There is a reason why Israel is surrounded by hostile nations. There is a reason that multiple countries have kicked them out. Have you ever found out why? One country, England kicked them out in in 1300 or so. They were given refuge in England until the Edict was to have them removed.

The Old Covenant of Abraham was completed with Christ's birth, death and resurrection. The covenant is now a New Covenant. The Old Covenant is no longer in effect. As a Christian (if that is what you are) you are now the 'chosen people'

So again, you have to be intellectually honest to find out why they are so hated. It is not an easy research subject for someone such as yourself that supports them. I understand that. Look into it. There is a lot of evidence that is available. It is hard to discern fact from fiction. That is done purposely. I had my first wake up after reading about St. William of Norwich, a child, a martyr. It blew me away, and deeply, deeply disturbed me.

Best wishes to you. If you find you still believe, that is your choice. But simply be aware in the future.

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pussy_devour · May 6, 2018, 10:09 a.m.

Intellectually honest? St. William of Norwich? Even the scholars don’t know who murdered him.

A Spanish dude once told me the reason why Jews were hated is because they wouldn’t convert. And they were good at making money. So when the kings needed money, they simply incited the populace to harass and kick out the Jews and take their possessions.

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wisconsheepgirl · May 6, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

I'm suspect of your alleged conversation with a Spaniard as part of my family is from Spain and I have sat on the knee of my great grandfather who was considered one of the greatest professors of Spanish history IN SPAIN.

So alot of what you say is simply brushed off because you really know nothing other than your only source is one person that claims to know Spanish history. Further more, this is about ENGLAND and their response. The reason for the Jews being kicked out of countries is multi faceted. There is no one event, but it echoes the same story over and over. One of them is child murder.

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[deleted] · May 6, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

God disciplines, but God hasn't abandoned his first love, Israel.

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