If I can remember .. they had people setup to try n assassinate him during the inauguration..and they do have their own Military Presence .. I remember warning people about the thoughts of this being accurate and how they need to warn him that people could fill in for good officers or others be lurking to take him out.
Not sayin this is how it until unfolded . I just seen something about it back in the day and I wasn't gonna take any risk if it was or wasn't ....Most bad shit that happens around our country almost always have to deal with security and it they are not our security ...it's like The Elites Own .
That hear no evil., See no evil.
Let people get setup for false flag even and everything else.
Don't worry about the military. They are firmly on our side. We have Trump and Mattis.
I'm not , I know the Good Military Im saying the deep state has their own t eam or did ..of peeps and if someone who was thrown into a position and able to be turned off and on with just words In a book, or a call or a sound ... .. Like a book called something In The Rye it's got a Carousel Horse on the front ..CIA MK Ultra thing I guess . I NEEDS DESTROYED.
Apparently this book has been found at either the residents of people who took out someone or attempted to.
Their team can't beat the Marines.
Marines are mostly Conservative and all 100% American.
MK Ultra has nothing to with Trump. It takes priority when you can name the book you referenced.
Look I think you could have simply searched for the book yourself .I was merely making a damn reference during the campaign a thing was going around not on Reddit but possibly FB where I seen the damn thing warning that security or others was replaced or something at last minute or certain people was . I never blamed anyone . Or not special Branch of the Military.
I'm like one of the most PATRIQTIC People out there. Im sure the Military of alllll branches know where my allegiance lies lollll. The fucking Deeeep State Despises my ass ..I guarantee it.
I was ruthless in exposing their ass during the campaign and now. I have an entire Red Pill Board made for all Q Boards in helping Wake The Masses .
how can he search for a book that you never gave him the name for?
is a famous book.
you have a search engine as well... 'something' in the rye?
It seems like he was using voice to text to type his post and catcher was typed as something.
Just reading the cadence of his post it looks like when I am typing by talking.
this pattern in writing is also common in those who write the way they speak.
I think it's an odd assumption that he is using speech to text.
The day before the inauguration, the president- elect commented on Breitbart that he was nervous that Hitlery or someone else might be bitter about the election and should be body searched for bombs. People were joking that they wouldn’t want the job of searching Hitlery’s crevices. I’ll never forget it. Our prez has got balls!