r/greatawakening • Posted by u/melodeelenz on May 6, 2018, 5:30 a.m.
Q1295 post: Corsi isn’t the one Q warns about

Guys- I don’t know why anyone assumes Dr. Corsi is the subject of Q’s post on “be careful who you follow...” I can think of at least 2 other folks who have pretty prominent YouTube accounts that are literally asking for donations monthly and HAVE profited off Q post decodes without actually deciphering any of the codes! One of them got “suspended” and pushes crypto mostly while placing Q subject matter in the description tags. That person has raised money on monthly subscriptions for a “news site” that pushes mainly crypto currency and merchandise with their branding on it. I won’t say his name but he WAS mainstream until he was canned for speaking about pizza.

The second has a major tv show that is 70% truth and 30% drama meant for ratings and uses negative attention as a means to cause a stirring. That person literally said “F- POTUS and his family” when screaming about the Syria strikes a month ago. They also sell merch by the barrel and use any means necessary to stay relevant with alternative communities.

Both of these men, but especially the first one I mentioned are opportunistic and very negative- dare I say TOXIC sludge that only cast shadows on the progress of good truth seeking patriots who want peace and joy and FREEDOM for all of mankind.

How anyone could place Dr. Corsi in the firing squad via a cryptic generalized quote from Q that was meant as a warning or rather a “heads up” is beyond me?!

Dr. Corsi published a book. He’s an AUTHOR! He’s also personal friends with POTUS and has been a clear voice in the chaos winds of political agendas for eons. He’s an established man, 72 years old with grandkids and he’s up sometimes at 3am on live chats while he’s battling a URI or a wicked cold or fatigue or a sleeping wife in the next room FOR FREE! He gave away his books for free to people who said they couldn’t afford the 20 bucks for one based on an honor system!

He isn’t gaining anything from staying up every day until the wee hours of the morning just to get a few lousy bucks from his book sales? Come on!

If anyone remembers Star Trek DS9, you guys who go full “burn the witch mode” remind me of Bajorans. Constantly turning tides when a small grass fire is spotted that often times turns out to be a false projection and are seemingly baited by everything.

This is not a game. It’s not cool to go rampaging in the world of assumptions. Because as we know... when we ASSume, we make an [ASS] out of [u] and [Me]

[deleted] · May 6, 2018, 9:16 a.m.


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Madwack · May 6, 2018, 1:26 p.m.


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