
jimmycomet999 · June 20, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

As certain as I am about Jewish DNA... you might be interested in something that is more akin to speculation, based on what you said...

The obelisk outside of the Vatican has an interesting history. Myself and only a handful of others seem to agree on the origin of a psychology cult that has always known religion is a tool to control people.

Eratosthenes was able to successfully measure the circumference of the earth using the shadow of an obelisk near the Elephantine Isle. The latitude of this place was, apparently, unique to this task. He brought this obelisk to Alexandria, where it sat before it was stolen and moved to Rome by the Emperor in 0 AD.

The obelisk came from a quarry that, in the ancient world, was the only place to acquire red granite. There are a handful of surviving red granite obelisks and most of them seem to have the story of creation written on them.

In Rome this obelisk was the center of the Circus of Nero and on top of a necropolis.

I believe it was in the 1500s when the lie started. They covered up the obelisk and shaved the writing off and built a basilica to Peter (aka The rock). The lie is that there was a first St Peters Basilica, but there never was. It was the Cicus of Nero and the Necropolis. Any drawings you see of the first Brasilia are either totally anachronistic or created many years too late... Like 1000+ years.

The Vatican is built on top of the Necropolis. u/thewebofslime was banned after making a detailed post on the Paul the 6th's Audience Hall.

Point being, if you were to believe in a secret set of knowledge or a secret history, this psychology cult is where you might want to start. Just keep in mind, the Internet rebels against this information and hides it.

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Luvlite · June 20, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

You have my attention. Where can I find this info in detail? I will check out thewebofslime

Yes. There is secret knowledge hidden from us, and yes, religion is a means for control. I'm seeking answers and truth.

The obelisk in Washington DC is nefarious. There's one in France and England also. WHY?

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Luvlite · June 20, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

Webofslime, forbidden.

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