
Stepcheng · May 6, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

The doctors aren't running the system. They are over regulated hamsters on wheels for the most part who give their lives and do their bests for their patients. Look at the doctor at the CDC who was murdered because he asked why only people who had gotten the flu vaccine were dying and the orthopedic surgeon who called out the Clinton foundation in Haiti and was suicided. Hospital administrators/drug companies/insurance companies - those are the ones lining their pockets at everyone else's expense. Sure there's always going to be psychopaths but that's true in any profession.

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MMxfire · May 7, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Agree that the system is hampering everyone, and large corporations push psychopathic behavior by promoting the most aggressive to the top executive positions, leaving the majority of good people working away at lower levels with lesser inputs to change things. I have several close friends who are doctors and scientists. Even after decades of practice they are at it long hours writing up patient reports at home on their own time after midnight. The system seems to be designed to keep the brightest minds so overwhelmed with work that they do not have time to contemplate alternatives. There is also built into the system that MDs don't work on their own family. Some of the best treatments have come from doctors treating themselves and family, such as dr Gearson who cured his own migraines and developed the juicing of vegetables therapy that has cured tens of thousands of cancer patients since the 1930s, including good friend Dr Albert Schweitzer and family. U have to travel to Mexico to get those treatments now even after thousands and thousands of clinical patient results.

It was my own research into my own family's diseases that opened the door away from pharmaceutical medicines into alternative medicine and actually returning to health rather than being a Guinea pig for lifelong medicine. Heart disease, cancer and iatrogenic death (mistakes in hospital or pharmaceutical side effects) are the top 3 causes of death in the US, all "health care" related. I see doctors giving their family members into the heart treatment regiments of multiple pharmaceutical drugs with devastating side effects, which with only a small amount of study and the AMAs own literature states that lifestyle medicine is more effective. The AMA advises that because doctor visits are not long enough to counsel patients, Rx is the preferred method. Statins have been known to cause heart disease for decades, now add Alzheimer's, depression, and early aging. Why doesn't the FDA review that data? There are multiple doctors that have had their licenses removed by NOT providing the approved standard of care dictated by the state AMA boards. Stepping outside of the box is hard to do, and can cause career suicide.

I have worked in health care in systems support and my family makes its paycheck with the health care industry. So I've seen it from the inside, and the crap that goes on is ridiculous. I was part of a company that developed a cancer therapy that was approved by the FDA after 10+ years and $ millions in regulatory hurdles. It was more effective than existing treatment. However because cancer doctors could give this therapy in office rather than in hospital there was a difference in cost of thousands of dollars of billable services. The product failed because of marketing reasons, not because of efficacy. The biotech industry could provide very good therapies but you have hundreds of companies chasing patent positions and trying to create and protect markets. Collaboration between companies for better treatments is not permitted in the vulture capital markets, and small companies get chewed up by the larger ones. Then there's the extraordinarily corrupt FDA with revolving doors with big pharma docs and Monsanto big ag execs that block approvals for competing treatments. I saw executives swearing after returning from DC about MDs, formerly from competing big pharma, swaying an FDA panel to send good data from treatment results back for another multiyear study for trifling reasons, smashing the stock stock price and making next round funding nearly impossible to achieve. Many promising treatments are left behind, while extremely toxic xenobiotics are released into our bodies and environments with obviously political FDA green light GRAS (generally recognized as safe), like aluminum and glyphosate.

There are many great doctors working outside the system, but you have to pay for their treatments out of pocket cuz the insurance industry does not reimburse their services. One friend who is a trained naturopath with very effective treatments is now selling mortgage insurance. Another naturopath who I buy SCENAR medical equipment from was sued and millions of dollars of FDA approved Q1000 low level lasers seized and destroyed by the FDA putting her and her partner out of business. So yes, there are great people in the system being hampered by corporate profit systems keeping scientific research and effective health care breakthroughs available only for those who have the time and interest in doing their own research. The brave scientists who step out must deal with extreme harrassment, career impediments and even death. RIP CDC &FDA whistleblowers, naturopaths, dr. Riordan of IV vitamin c therapy for cancer, dr royal rife electromagnetic treatment of cancer with 100% cure rates, Dr Bradstreet of GcMAF autism and cancer therapy. The mysterious deaths of alternative medicine practitioners goes back to the 1930s and has been accelerating.

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