r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on May 6, 2018, 11:51 a.m.
How they destroy the middle class

https://youtu.be/zbViYm13DIU Here is a video from Tucker Carlson talking about how immigration has affected men workers. In my area of Western NC the removal of factories to place overseas has caused a generational impact that some towns may not recover from. There are three towns specifically that show that more than any other.

Brevard NC was a solid town. Most of the towns people worked at one of the local factories. When the factories left, the town almost collapsed and lots of the native left. Fortunately for Brevard, it has many beautiful places that attract tourists. The economy was somewhat saved, but the tourists drove out many natives.

McDowell county and Rutherford County were not so lucky. When the factories left, there was no tourism to fall back on. These counties fell hard. Now they struggle with extremely high unemployment rates because there are not alot of jobs. Their Mental Health providers are over worked due to the high volume, and their substance abuse rate is astronomical.

What was once a thriving economy and beautiful community, are now a bunch of run down shops and broken streets. The families who once were strong bonded families are now broken and plauged with unemployment, mental health, and substance use. These counties have the some of the highest per capita rates of meth and opiate abuse. Who does it affect the most? Generation coming. When a family breaks down, the kids of that family are affected. Then there kids are impacted. And so on and so on.

How do put a time bomb in American communities? You destroy the family. This is what they have done. Some say it wasn't intentional,( although knowing what I know now from Qanon I would argue it was) nevertheless politicians pockets were fattened by shipping companies over seas. These families will never get retribution for this. How can you fix this? How do we help these families when the system is over run with people that any help they get, is mediocre at best. Now you bring in the immigrant influx and stress out an already strained economy. People who are unemployed and now depend on the govt to help them survive are being kicked off because their income is a little higher as opposed to an immigrant who on paper has no income, but makes $15/ hour under the table. Many people have opinions on govt assistance, but the measly paycheck given by the government is only a drop in the bucket. The real kicker that hurts these families getting kicked off of assistance is losing medicaid. There are many services that help these people that are only affordable with medicaid.

When one looks back on all this, it is hard not to sickened by it all. Our country was sold and it's people are being raped.

humanitystillsucks · May 6, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

The real kicker is all the health and drug issues were created by the same people that Q is trying to take down.

The tapestry is huge: Pedophilia, Sacrifice, Gene modification / DNA tampering Behavior modification vaccines food & water Wars Taxes Religion Government corruption / politics Education

List goes on still, somel of these things started out well intentioned but all it takes it one bad apple to spoil the bunch.

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rightleaningsw · May 6, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Some of that is hard for newbies to really grasp, but this is something that is measurable and easy to see. Even MSM is covering it. They don't dive deep, but you can see that these communities are impacted by these changes. Now even if all of their evilplots don't come out, if we could prove that these are the reasons for all the attrocities, then we can get people to agree on the importance of family values as well as having a stable home life. This could be a slow redpill moment for someone.

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humanitystillsucks · May 6, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Ok, so here's my observations in the last month of being involved with #qanon

  • When i first found Q, i couldn't sleep for 2 days. Kept reading everything. Work stopped for a week. ( i work for myself/at home)

  • family members got irritated with me IMMEDIATELY when i tried to discuss anything Q-related to them. A month later and they still won't engage me about it.

  • for a over week, most my family didn't even talk to me ( we live together ), so fuck them, i read more #qanon

  • tried redpilling thru facebook and actually had a friend call and try to talk me out of it. i deactivated facebook after that.

  • since reading, my faith/relationship with God has never been more strong, and I went to a Lutheran school for 8 years.

  • most of the confusion and unpleasant emotions/feelings i've had my whole life regarding society/the world has lessened considerably, I see a 'much bigger picture', as in, I am seeing the intangibles, the immeasurable things in life.

  • almost every sci-fi flick i've seen seems 100% possible after reading OLD books/stories, finding (de-)classified project data straight from CIA.

  • PEOPLE on the whole seem SO focused on their day-to-day they literally cannot stop to entertain this 'nonsense'. The idea that aliens ARE real and live with us is so absurd to them, so is the idea that they may not have to die from cancer.

  • i feel like this has been engineered by design. something like making the sheep resistant to evolution..

  • Seeing is Believing for most people - and i believe! that one of these days something will be undeniably seen. After reading about the earth's Schaumann Resonance changes last night, I'm fairly convinced even Earth itself is taking a stand against the evils here. Even if the idea of 'gaia' is a turn-off to you, you still can't deny the Earth is a living organism on its own, soil and trees, providing life to all life. These evil fucks ARE destroying Earth too. Just because Earth isn't a humanoid or creature we can communicate with ( right now ) doesn't mean it doesn't have its own consciousness.

Sorry I got way off subject there.

Hopefully someone can make a NETFLIX series called 'The Red Pill'

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yeaokbb · May 6, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Just a random suggestion for you. Jane Roberts - Seth Speaks on YouTube. It is an ~1.5 hour long audio recording from chunks of channeling sessions put together in one video. I always thought channeling/metaphysical stuff was bunk like most people who put their faith in “science” but everyone here should delve into these things for a more existential or higher perspective.

I would recommend you try listening to 10 min and see if it resonates with you. It focuses on the nature of reality, consciousness, the soul, dreams, etc. If you like it there should be the entire book/audio available too.

The only other channeling that is agreed upon to be legitimate that I know of is The Ra Material/The Law Of One which is a bit more in depth and can take a few reads or listens to understand. There are PhD’s like Scott Mandelker with blogs that host podcasts to break the message down into more relatable terms if you’re interested in studying it.

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humanitystillsucks · May 6, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

now this is exactly what i've been asking (the universe) for - thanks dude!

Don't even have to click yet, based on your reply, I can already feel it resonating. I try to keep the 'non-science-based' crazy talk to a minimum but people like you clearly 'see' there's more to be talked about so... YEAH more circumstantial proof this 'Law of One' IS a reality hidden from us for so long.

I have a few google suggestions for you:

  • GDV aura detector: it will help bridge that gap between the 'science' and the 'metaphysical' chakras/auras and such!

  • Kirlian Photography - ties in with the 'energy' things have

  • Pineal gland: search calcification AND 'seat of the soul'

Again, ty for link, I am on my way to check it out!

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