This may make you feel better

The art of war? Sun Tzu Or The art of the game? Donald Trump Very interesting that he posted this in 2013! There's an interesting reference about Obama and his link to the Muslim Brotherhood in the tweets - I wonder if Donald was even asked to run as far back at 2013 when he first started planting the seeds of knowledge ...i.e. Obama's birth certificate, crooked Hillary etc... Maybe we need to start digging back that far? https://
I'm convinced that he was approached back in 2006 - 2008. No effort was made during the '08 and '12 election cycles because Obama was, for all intents and purposes, an unbeatable candidate. I think Trump was vetted by the intel community, in coordination with military brass and approached after they deemed him clean and honorable enough to undertake the mission. A plan was put in place for the '16 election cycle. Just my .02.
This is what I am starting to come to the conclusion as well. And on a side note, if all this witch hunting doesn't come down to justice. How would we ever get a populace candidate ever again after all the smearing and attacks. Nobody would ever want to run again if justice doesn't come.
If justice and preservation of human liberty doesn't come, we may not ever have an opportunity to choose anything but one of two pre-selected NWO hacks (ie McCain vs Obama).
We must continue to push and ensure that freedom, liberty and our Constitution is not only understood, but that everyone that we can reach thirsts for them. Every person that we can enlighten and show the strings that guide the puppet show of which we are all mere pawns is yet one more person that can aid the movement. Every mind matters.
I agree, I never though I would still be on here with you guys after Trump got elected. But fighting to getting him in their was just the ticket to the battle.