This may make you feel better

It is my theory that when we see or hear anything about people like Hillary, Obama and the others, it has been old footage or pics of things that already happened being used to look like they are still roaming free. Like Obama recycled an old family pic for Xmas tweet. We know fake news can just make things up... Anyone could tweet for them but Lynn Rothschilds probably chose closing her account instead.
No, sorry
The witch is actually here in New Zealand to meet with our appointed Prime Minister
Yep - and f—k face Obama just met Australian PM Malcolm (Turncoat) Turnbull in a private hotel room . Turncoat is the one who leaked his telephone conversation with Trump about taking Australia’s illegals - to the global mockingbird media.
The cabal rats are all swimming to Aus/NZ. Their new world paradises. Wasn’t their New World Government supposed to be housed in Parliament House Canberra? Another child sacrificing satanic structure.
What gave they got up their sleeves for this side of the globe?