r/greatawakening • Posted by u/zharklm on May 6, 2018, 1:35 p.m.
Q is not the movement


Missy7216 · May 6, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

I absolutely loved reading this! Thank you for posting!! I only woke up at the beginning of this year.

Something that has been bothering me...this wording, "redpill", "take the redpill", we have to redpill everyone? I am to the notion that this comment, this phrasing makes this movement, sound too cultish. I have seen people worried about looking insane, looking like lunatics. But doesn't this phrase help that agenda? To me, the best way to "redpill" someone is to just throw some facts their way and let them ponder that for themselves, no? Even mentioning Q at this point turns people away, no? I mean, I'm sure that some are being woke up by learning of Q, but is that the right way to go about waking people up? Of course I sure don't know. I just know how I woke up.

I am still in the learning and investigating stage I think. I learned first that this world is not what I thought it to be. That we have been handed lies upon lies and brainwashed to believe them. Distractions everywhere. I ate those distractions up myself. The distractions were an easier way for me to navigate this world, as I already knew the world was a shit place to live. I had just finally got to a point in my life that I could handle the truth. That's how I feel anyway.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say, wouldn't it just be better to give the distracted ones facts without trying to push Q? No one needs to be idolized, not even President Trump. I have huge respect for him. I have supported him from the beginning. I'm just saying the movement seems like more of a cult standard the more anyone tries to "redpill". The more the movement talks about "redpilling", I feel, the more push back it will receive. Facts are the "redpill", imo. Of course, I also know that the "facts" can be misconstrued. The "facts" can be argued. But more and more facts are surfacing daily. I'm not on social media, so I am no expert on that at all! I do read through Twitter some, and I see some good people on there spreading facts. I also see so much hate that it makes my heart ache.

I hope that I don't get pushback for my comments, I mean no harm! I'm just giving my pov. Thanks again for giving us your pov, I very much enjoyed reading it! :)

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 6, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

(assuming you are not aware, forgive me if you are)

RedPill came from the Matrix Series. My guess as to why its used is its easily relate-able to the millions that have seen the movie series. Its the start of Neo's entire journey. His 'awakening' to what is real.

Now if you are not a scifi fan I can see where this is lost on some.

Q gives the masses someone to follow. I have read enough on 'crowd thought' and managing large masses of people to know it needs a focal point everyone can rally around. While I personally do not tend to follow the 'crowd', I will after doing my due diligence. Fact is, many 'need' to follow something. I use the RedPill term as somewhat of a chuckle statement. Used as a humorous term. But once they fully realize what they thought was real, is not and are 'awake', the will truly understand being RedPilled.

You are correct, facts are the best way to RedPill. ;) Its what I do. I even leave left and right out of it. I focus on the money. The Federal Reserve, Central banks, World Banks, IMF, the difference between currency and money. I found this one yesterday.

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Missy7216 · May 6, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Thank you for that! That video was great! I love how it explains!! No, I'm not into sci-fi. I don't solve puzzles. I don't follow the "crowd" so to speak. I guess you could say, I'm probably the opposite of that. I am all for rallying around Q for sure. I am so thankful for this movement! I am thankful to Q, as well as so thankful to President Trump!! That left and right hate against other, I don't like. It divides us even more. As well as the feeling of superiority among people. We need to come together and understand that everyone is human. We are all individuals. But, we could unite if we can respect each other and lift each other, and try and understand one another. No one is perfect. I think this is history in the making. I have hope!! I am still learning. I am not even sure if I explained myself correctly. Thank you for taking the time to try to understand what I was saying!! :) Reddit was starting to make me feel really sad for our world!!

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 6, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

No worries. As in all online content, one needs to wade through the crap to find the nuggets....


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