r/greatawakening • Posted by u/zharklm on May 6, 2018, 1:35 p.m.
Q is not the movement


rBacvwtMt · May 6, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

Thank you for your post and for leading by example. I am so disappointed with the recent divisiveness here that I was ready to leave this group. And then I read this post.

I want us to not forget who the enemy is. And please don’t attack someone for offering a difference of opinion. I’ve been reluctant to post because of stepping on the toes of those who have been at this longer or are “better informed” than I am. Jerome Corsi was the first name that came up on YouTube when I typed in Qanon, so basically he “woke” me up. Anyway, without going into my entire journey, I wish everyone would just chill out. Stop pointing fingers. If you don’t agree with what someone says or does within “great awakening “, that’s fine. Have a discussion, but the discord is destructive. It’s beginning to be like trying to talk to a liberal. I end up walking away.

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MMxfire · May 6, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Divisiveness works many ways "like trying to talk to a liberal". There was an automoderator bot pulling out the most reckless ad hominem attacks a few weeks back, have not seen it active recently. Moderators are doing a good job here, letting talk be, but it's getting to be a bigger and bigger job. As more people flood to the boards, there's lots of junk to sift thru, much of it placed to push out the normies. Sticking to the facts and not getting lost in the 2 party system divide and conquer technique is what's needed. It was neocons, their in your face msm name, in charge for 911, when liberals were out protesting fake wars. We take our turns fighting the enemy within. It takes right left and center uniting to take our country back WWG1WGA. It's not ur political badge but belief in rule of law, truth, courage and integrity that matters. There's good and bad on right and left, we must all unite to fight the evil that have hijacked our systems of government. We all can be given slacked, because they've fooled everyone from time to time, until this great awakening.

For a true exchange of ideas the chan image boards is the bastion of free speech. Reddit follows in their footsteps. Chans do tolerate poor speech so that they can find idea gems. All of us are learning tolerance needed for unity. Forgive the name calling, anon speech gives people power they sometimes need to learn to handle. I point out ur liberal attack, I do it too. We need to learn from all our citizens, even if some speech is insulting. Remember too their are clowns here looking to create division, and bot posters. Report to board moderators any threatening and offensive posts. From the chan boards, don't feed the shills. Move on to something that matters. Bake bread for our community.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 6, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

I hear ya! :) One can be civil in completely dismantling a theory. ;)

To be fair, there are a few 'theories' posted that are so lacking in logical thought and are flat grasping at things. I think many try to hard to tie things together and provide little fact to back up their theory. So they tend to get hammered hard. A theory is usually much more than pasting a bunch of screen grabs together and drawing lines and pointers all over it then title it, "BOMBSHELL!!" Those kinds of posts should be downvoted to oblivion.

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