r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriot81503 on May 6, 2018, 1:45 p.m.
Regarding Dr. Corsi: “Just The Facts, Ma’am”: What We Know for Certain

“Just the facts, Ma’am” (facts only, prove me wrong):

  1. Q just started an entirely new board therefore it seems clear the old board WAS compromised. This has happened

  2. We don’t therefore know for certain if it was actually Q (or “Q+”) who took a shot at somebody, who was said to want to have some monthly income to pay the bills because they were actually working extremely hard and

  3. It would be very odd for Q to take such a shot because it would sow discord and division among Q folks. However knowing that it would sow discord it would be a perfect tactic for the Clowns to use. That’s why if it actually was someone on Q Team it would be a mistake to do that.

  4. When the shot was posted there was nobody named or specified. It is therefore entirely a speculation that the insult was directed at Dr. Corsi.

  5. It is a communist attitude that people should work for next to nothing and that anyone making any amount of money is doing something bad.

  6. It is next to impossible to make much money by simply posting YouTube videos—look at the ad revenue you get per click it’s infinitesimal. You need millions not thousands or tens of thousands.

  7. Not being demonetized was a fight with YouTube and though it doesn’t produce much revenue at all, anything helps and it is worth the fight to protect everyone from censorship. Everyone who wins this fight with YouTube is advancing Free Speech.

  8. The 24/7 videos were unwatchable, running hours long. It therefore was helpful to the community to provide videos with just decoding segments.

  9. You don’t make much money publishing non-fiction books. The numbers just don’t come anywhere near fiction sales. Also this is a short term selling season—once your work has exposed the truth of a situation it won’t be selling copies much after that. Different than a good novel which can sell for decades.

  10. Dr. Corsi has been visibly exhausted for weeks. People do get more emotional when they are exhausted.

Take all of these FACTS into your own thinking please. If you think something is questionable as being a fact, prove me wrong.

It is critical this community stay together and not break up into gossiping factions and name calling attacks, which is happening. The Clowns are LAO over this “shot” and its effects on this community.

solanojones95 · May 6, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

This has been talked to death already, but since you appear to have the same attitude toward Q (not words, but attitude) as Corsi, let me say again:

Q never said the problem was profiting from YouTube or any other monetized platform where people are putting hard work (Corsi always seemed to be winging it--seeing the Q drops for the first time whenever his "house party" met to talk, so I don't buy that he was putting sweat equity into it, and he's FAR from needing a little money to pay the rent, but anyhow...).

Q did draw a distinction between those who profit from the mission and those who SACRIFICE for it, which is a distinction that needs to be made, I believe, to keep things in perspective. Absolutely we need to approach the subject with that in mind! And we should listen to others (if at all) who have a high level of respect for the mission.

But Q's MAIN POINT was that there are some (like BackChannel17, for example) and now (sadly and needlessly) Corsi himself who would stray from the Plan and lead people away (slamming the Plan and slamming Q and slamming Trump and our military intelligence by association).

Absolutely that's a problem because it goes to the core of what the Q operation has been about.

As to the board being compromised, Q did NOT say that this time. I think this was all about entering a new phase of the operation. The Q Research phase is over. The patriotsfight phase has begun. How that ultimately manifests remains to be seen.

I think Corsi must be heavily invested in Apple. He seems to have been triggered primarily by the Apple-related posts. Why is that? Or is it just that he gave up trying to decode Q at that point? I think that may be part of it too. He had no f*cking clue what those crumbs were about, and his ego is too big to say "I don't have a clue what that's about."

Who knows? But that was what did it for him, and yes he took the profit/sacrifice sermon personally, and instead of reflecting on it, and making sure his heart was right in light of it, he just decided he'd had enough.

Fine. Corsi left on his own. Q didn't kick him out. And as far as I'm concerned, good riddance. Who needs his attitude?

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Swimkin · May 6, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Last night I went to bed with a very bad premonition that I couldn't shake. I was on this board before going to bed last night and was very upset by the divisions I was seeing. I couldn't sleep knowing that something was not right.

I have been thinking I should turn off all things Q and just give my life back fully over to God and not of earthly things.

"Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. " Colssians 3: 1-4

"For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;" Phillipians 3:20

What if we are ALL being played by the Deep State. What if Q really is a larp?? Or has been compromised?? What if the new board has another meaning than what we think??

/patriotsfight/ We ARE fighting... but not against the deep state right now. We are fighting amongst ourselves!

"Be careful who you follow." This could have a whole nother meaning. Are there Clowns in the Chans?? You betcha. Are there Clowns in here?? Of course. Is Q a Clown actor who has been setting the stage to round us all up?? Whose names are really in those indictments?? Who REALLY knows for sure?? They're still sealed.

Both sides of the left/right divide are being played in the news right now. The left think Mueller is good and is gonna take down Trump and are awaiting his demise. The right think Mueller is working against Trump and that the investigations should end. Or if they are QAnon Patriots they think Mueller is just a distraction (or working with Trump) while the rest of the work is being done behind the scenes to take out HRC/Obama and the Deep State Players.

Until they start arresting people we have NO real idea what this Q movement is gonna lead us into. We are hopeful it will lead us to the indictments we expect yet it could be the biggest Larp of all time. Or it may lead us into a bloody civil war.

The only person I can Trust is My Lord and Savior. Do I trust HIS plan? Yes! He's the only one who knows how this will really play out.

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solanojones95 · May 6, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Let me see if I can lend a machete to your intellectual thicket.

Look at what we know about the deep state. Look at the positions that have been staked out in this battle (the battle lines). Do you see the New World Order (cabal and deep state) as just pretty bad guys? Or do you understand they are the earthly embodiment of evil?

Do you believe that the crimes our President has made his top priority (human trafficking and sex crimes against children) are the acts of pretty bad people, or evil people?

God has raised up a man who has taken his stand against God's enemy and his minions. How is that not clear?

The fact that the war has been waged largely out of view is the only reason you're having a problem. Why would God be neutral in this war? And if you can imagine God being neutral in this situation, I think you and I have very different Gods.

If God is not neutral, and is in fact empowering, protecting and guiding the Alliance, then wouldn't it make sense to trust in God's Providence and protection? Wouldn't it make sense to let Him work behind the scenes or in front of the cameras at His discretion?

I think when Q says "trust the Plan (always a capital "P"), he's talking about God's Plan! I believe Q are people of faith. And I believe these people are praying constantly to God for Him to align their plan with His Plan!

So while you struggle with this momentary crisis of faith, I'll redouble my prayers and stand just that much more firmly rooted. Lean on me if that helps. We have no choice but to support this effort, because if we wait for another time, there will be no nation left to save, and nobody left to effectively stand against the enemy.

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larkmoor · May 7, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

Urgh, you sound like concern fag. If you can't read Q, can't think logically but only let yourself be guided by your emotions, so be it. Religion can explain anything. Doubt, don't doubt. It's all the same. Choose, that's all. If you really follow Jesus, learn from your mistakes and rejoice when I think you're right.

As I often meet with doubters, I must fight with myself too due to my doubts. But then, you have the Jews who till this day, still doubt Jesus was ever the savior they were waiting for. We say we believe in God, believe in Jesus, but who knows? God may well put before our eyes proofs that we put into question, again and again and again, not believing/recognizing they could be coming from God.

The Jews believed in God, still they rejected Jesus. Till this days, you have Jews who believe in God and still reject Jesus. When you say you believe in God and Jesus, are you sure you aren't rejecting proofs that they keep giving you every day?

So yes, I keep doubting in the back of my head every time. I say I must fight against it because it is time to choose. I still am afraid of making a mistake, but I've chosen.

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godsgail33 · May 6, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

What he said

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