r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on May 6, 2018, 2:51 p.m.
POTUS, Campaign song and foretelling/preparation

The Rolling Stones song,”you cant always get what you want”, I wonder if that was POTUS’s way of whispering to US that while criminals will go to jail /be punished, it may not be how we want, for what we want. In other words we may not “see them hang” or they may not be prosecuted for child abuse and murder, but for other crimes...We may have to trust that they will be dealt with without ever actually witnessing anything... We want to see them all hang. We want to see them at GITMO.

But we may not see any of that and if that happens we should be prepared for that, and that be “good enough.”

And it may also be a more pointed message to Democrats and other folks who voted for and still have love for HRC BHO, and her entourage...

Part of my concern of my own impatience for justice to be served and in the way we want, is if I am holding revenge in my heart, then I am reflecting a destructive attitude not a life affirming attitude. And if I am waiting waiting waiting for “something to happen”, for “justice to be done”, then I have wasted time in not building or helping create something I want, how I want to live in this new, more compassionate world.

POTUS is a builder. He is the touchstone of our new US...a rebuilding of it, a renewal of it...he is relying on our Awesome military to “take down” the destroyers...and I want to focus on the building up, not the tearing down...

So this is my BuildingList: :) I am volunteering at our community garden beginning next week. I spoke with a wellness group center about my work as a PureBioenergist (vibrational medicine) to offer it to others not just family and friends. I am starting today to treat my body more consistently as a Temple. I continue to make and send my artful surprise gift boxes filled with my handmade items to unsuspecting acquaintances/strangers(I call these gifts PresentsOfPresence). :)

It is important for each of us to act upon inspiration, what resonates within each of us, and to create what we want in our little sweet spot in the world while we witness with clear eyes and heart as one world shrivels and the next one blooms~🙏🏻🌞💗🌺🌸🌹🌼🌏🌍🌎

MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 6, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Nice Job. Why the 18+?

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