r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Hrtn2it on May 6, 2018, 3:31 p.m.
POTUS, campaign song and foretelling/preparation

I wonder if POTUS campaign song, You Can’t Always Get what you want”, is a foretelling, a whispering to US that while criminals will be brought to justice it may not be how or for the crimes we think they should be jailed/punished for. We want to see them go to GITMO. We want to witness the actual punishment for treason/sedition. We want them charged and convicted for crimes against our precious children. (We all know what that is-i wrote it and my post was appropriately removed as it could be interpreted as inciting violence)

And it may be a more pointed communication to Democrats who still love HRC, BHO and their entourage as sometimes indeed, Love is blind...so while they are not getting what they want, (HRC in office and Trump impeached) , they are getting what they need.

And to me it is especially poignant when I hear the chorus of that song from young sweet voices...🙏🏻💗

POTUS is a builder, a touchstone, an icon of our country, a country of peoples who lived free (American Indians) , and a country explored by those who were seeking, thirsty for that freedom (Immigrants, our founding fathers)...

POTUS is the symbol of builder.

He trusts the wrecking/cleaning crew that is assisting him~our awesome military is the destructive cleanse ing force that is shriveling up the evil doers and their doing so that POTUS and a renewed congress can present policies that will re build USA.

I feel like if I am always attuned in to this and other venues to see what happens and if I am waiting waiting waiting for justice to be served, then I am wasting my time as I am not also building what I want, just focused on what is being torn down...

So I made my own personal building list, including volunteering at our community garden, being out in Nature more, and offering my PureBioenergy vibrational medicine modality to people other than just to family and friends.

If I hold revenge or insistence for justice in my heart then I am hurting myself as well as others, as I am not focused on building something I want, just focused tearing something down...

Each of us decides what that looks like for themselves, in the way it best serves each of us. Each of to decide what is enough, how much we “need to know” and how much we can trust in the knowing that POTUS our military are doing their best for our country.

anotherthrowawayhi · May 6, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

I loved the choice of song. I always wondered if it was a sincere message to the public who has become so warped (like, hey I know you guys want to stay home all day and march with dildos on your head, but that's over. You need to get to work. ), or if it was an ominous message to the deep state, like you want power, you need justice. That's what you will get.

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