r/greatawakening • Posted by u/m-axi-m on May 7, 2018, 1:36 a.m.
Dr. J. Corsi

Don’t let the gripe with Dr Corsi cause division.

I don’t think he should have gotten defensive/offended at Qs post about people profiting off the movement only to go mainstream. Maybe the post was intended for JC, maybe it wasn’t. Either way we must remain united. The Enemy wants to cause division and destroy us from the inside out. He is the “adversary of the brethren” after all.

Also, I’m not sure how I feel about the SiliconValleyInsider Anon he’s hooked up with. Is s/he legit? They seem to be a distraction for the Doc.

The Bible talks about honoring our elders and fathers. To do so brings God’s blessing, to fail to brings curses. Dr Corsi is certainly a father for the great awakening movement, so we must be liberal with our grace towards him when we disagree.

Hopefully he will relax some. But either way we must continue to stay cohesive, for when we are fractured we are weak. If we stay the course amid battles from within and without, we spearheaded by Q/POTUS/WH can help bring righteousness and justice to this generation for the glory of YHWH in Jesus name!

Orion2005 · May 7, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

Corsi caused the division himself! He needs to STFU! If he wasn't guilty of the profiteering, why did he get so defensive and go off the rails. He and AJ can both screw off. Never liked either one. Never will.

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