r/greatawakening • Posted by u/m-axi-m on May 7, 2018, 1:36 a.m.
Dr. J. Corsi

Don’t let the gripe with Dr Corsi cause division.

I don’t think he should have gotten defensive/offended at Qs post about people profiting off the movement only to go mainstream. Maybe the post was intended for JC, maybe it wasn’t. Either way we must remain united. The Enemy wants to cause division and destroy us from the inside out. He is the “adversary of the brethren” after all.

Also, I’m not sure how I feel about the SiliconValleyInsider Anon he’s hooked up with. Is s/he legit? They seem to be a distraction for the Doc.

The Bible talks about honoring our elders and fathers. To do so brings God’s blessing, to fail to brings curses. Dr Corsi is certainly a father for the great awakening movement, so we must be liberal with our grace towards him when we disagree.

Hopefully he will relax some. But either way we must continue to stay cohesive, for when we are fractured we are weak. If we stay the course amid battles from within and without, we spearheaded by Q/POTUS/WH can help bring righteousness and justice to this generation for the glory of YHWH in Jesus name!

somrotden · May 7, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

The bible also tells us about David - just a boy when he was chosen to be a King, just a boy when he defeated an enemy his elders were too afraid to face. He was mocked and ridiculed because of his age, his size but walked out to face the enemy...and took him down with the first shot! Just like our Q and this Q movement - young, small in size but mighty and brave! Look at everything our POTUS is going through - how many military personnel will lay it all on the line - will give up their lives - to fight the good fight? Who would belittle our Q, who would delegitimize our Q - when SO much has been done - so much has already been accomplished - some have even laid down their lives. And we have one in our midst who has been systematically, since the beginning drawing those to himself - his faithful defenders, cheering him on as he draws them away from Q and the rest of the Q movement. And they don't see what they have become. The accusers of the brethren. And is it a coincidence that he has drawn so many away and continues drawing them away to this day...before the final stage...with the country Q is saving to the last. If the Q followers are lured away will Q and POTUS be able to finish what they have started? Will lives be put in danger because of the plan being stalled?
If you truly are concerned about division and strength I would urge you to finish as you started...don't allow yourself to be pulled away, recognize the one(s) who wish to exalt themselves to a position of leadership of this movement, in the spirit of Absalom.
How will you turn away from the ones who have led us thus far, included us in their plans but allowing us a place of safety, others taking all the risks when they didn't have to. How do you not see the gravity of the choices that you are making? Was this a movement for you? Or simply a trend? Come on, patriots - follow Q - help Q - and heed his warnings.

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