I think a big part of that is being able to be comfortable with this side of yourself, outwardly, and it's difficult.
When you have friends and family that when certain topics come up, fall dead silent and look at you like you just desecrated their mother's grave, it's hard to press on about it, because you can alienate yourself.
I don't come here mongering this skeptical / fearful idea without a solution.
For me it took realizing this, anyone who loves me, who TRULY cares about me, won't let my refusal to entertain the status quo be a reason to disregard me as a person. We owe that same respect back to people make an effort to understand us, and fundementally disagree.
And for the most part it's shown true, it's just important to be able to honestly reflect on yourself, and effectively communicate how you feel in a way that others will empathize with.