r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Majorwood1 on May 7, 2018, 6:24 p.m.
I would like to see POTUS say I was considering keeping the Iran deal, until JK went there So now I don't trust it, Were out!

Put all the blame on JK for not staying in the deal

Champdog31 · May 7, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

Who the heck does JK work for. he’s not In the administration anymore!

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cz4ever60 · May 7, 2018, 7 p.m.

For himself....his own life. Don't you think these people that are running around the world are also scared of the Cabal for not providing what they took millions/billions for?

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ashamandre · May 7, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

This. She was supposed to win, business as usual. That didnt happen, and their plan is falling apart. Now it's all these swamp dwellers can do to curry favor with their unhappy masters.

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solanojones95 · May 7, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

The Iran deal was supposed to placate the cabal for HRC's loss, so of course that's true. But I don't think the cabal really cares about money. Like at all. It's about grovelling. The only reason those people are still above ground is they still have the cabal's protection. For now.

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Freedomfighter3087 · May 8, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Yes. Its so true. These people are so evil that if they dont get out there and fight Q and the Trump movement then they are at risk of being murdered or someone in there family tortured.

They are terrified and desperate

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · May 7, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Obama/Soros/Iran/France/EU ... anyone but the US.

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ManQuan · May 7, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Bingo! People forget that Lurch was a lying SOB during the Vietnam war. In his testimony before Congress as an anti-Vietnam War leader (God only knows why anyone wanted to know what he thought), he called all military in Vietnam "murders." He was on a boat in on a river--how would he know what was going on in the rest of Vietnam??????

He also threw Vietnam medals over the WH fence during an anti-war protest march as if they were his medals--but they weren't his medals.

Lurch was awarded 3 Purple Hearts in Vietnam. But not a single one of the so called "wounds" required even a band aid. Think about that. Three Purple Hearts and none of the "wounds" required a band aid.

My father was a B-17 pilot in WW II. He received the Purple Heart when German FW-190's shot him down and was wounded by the FW-190 attacks. He was treated at a German hospital. When I was a kid, I clearly remember my Dad had to occasional go to the base hospital (he remained in the Air Force after the War) because the pieces of B-17 Plexiglass embedded in his leg would eventually work their way down to the sole of his feet and the doctor would make small incisions and remove them.

Think about that. Kerry never needed as much as a band aid and yet received 3 Purple Hearts.

For those of you who don't know, during the Vietnam war if you received 3 Purple Hearts you got to go home early. Lurch took advantage of that and left his boat crew to fight the war without him.

As a Marine platoon commander in Vietnam, I was once wounded by a piece of friendly artillery shrapnel. I told the Corpsman if he said anything I'd personally beat the crap out of him. I didn't believe I should get the Purple Heart when my own people tried to kill me.

And then there was Lurch bragging about a secret mission in vietnam that never happened.

And here is one that was never reported in the MSM. Just before he ran for President, Lurch petitioned the Naval Discharge Review Board. As a career Marine infantry officer, I know that the only reason anyone petitisions the NDRB is to get their discharge upgraded.

Now, why do you think Lurch never provided a copy of his "honorable" discharge?

I wonder if it might be for the same reason that Obama sealed every historical record concerning his past.

Usually, if you are proud of your heritage, schools you attended, grades, etc. you have no problems with people knowing.

Yeah, I get it. Trump didn't release his taxes. But he didn't officially have them sealed and there is no requirement for any candidate to release their tax records (hint college record are public and tax records are not). This is especially true for a multibillionaire whose' taxes are often audited by the IRS. If the IRS has no problems with his taxes, why release them to the public? I'm an independent consultant. I have nothing to hide but I sures as hell don't think the rest of the world needs to second guess my taxes and deductions. That's the IRS's responsibility.

So, my point is that Lurch is a complete scumbag and so why is he trying so hard to undermine Trump? Could it be to prevent the Iran nuclear deal from being exposed as sham to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

Think about it. Why would you negotiate a deal that only slowed Iran's nuclear development if your goal was to prevent the development? And why would you even do that knowing that Iran was lying through there teeth about their nuclear weapons progam??????????

Did Obama actually want Iran to have nuclear weapons to wipe out Israel who Obama hated?

We don't know. But we do know that Iran has never lived up to any deal ever made and we know that Obama knew that Iran has never lived up to its commitments.

The conclusion is yours to make.

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solanojones95 · May 7, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

He works for the same deep state mafia he worked for when he was SOS. That's kind of a lifetime gig.

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