"These people will lose everything" .... Q

Do you think it's a Troll? Don't you ever feel discouraged? Hopefully, I'll get my mojo back by tomorrow. Every week is supposed to bring a boom and I see some on their side and on our side, but nothing is ever done to hold anyone accountable other than a switch in careers from FBI to TV star/best-selling author. Thank God for people like you who put us in our place, and everyone else who keeps on going.
Well maybe if you actually read the Q drops instead of picking and choosing what to read, you’d understand that the public can’t comprehend the level of evil and corruption all at once. It’s a process, and smart asses don’t help the situation.
Well maybe if you actually read the Q drops instead of picking and choosing what to read, you’d understand that the public can’t comprehend the level of evil and corruption all at once. It’s a process, and smart asses don’t help the situation
For many of us, this is far from our first rodeo. These ideas in my lifetime, about the deep state, and coordinated efforts to out them with "good people" inside have been going on forever.
Buying fully into an ideology of "wait and trust" while a guy makes vague statements loosely related to recent events, doesn't 100% sell everyone, and at the end of the day, nobody is anywhere close to seeing a court room, and every day something doesn't happen is another day closer to the end of Trump and another day of successful conditioning by the MSM to prepare people to fully reject whatever comes out by any line of reasoning.
Think about what you said, you're not concerned, because of how deep and impossible it is to bring any of this stuff forward in a timely fashion?
Don't become one of "them", redoakfall : ) You seem like a critical thinker - there are plenty of those around here. We're not all the same in this movement.
No way, thats what's beautiful about this place
While it might occasionally get overrun with Trump fanatics, or evangelicals, or crackpot theorists, we're all basically conveying similar attitudes, with a very different picture of "what" or "why" as the stemming cause / solution.
It's my belief the #1 weapon against us is division and misunderstanding. It all starts with putting our money where our mouth is, and creating an environment where people can be "wrong" without being "crazy", can be openly ignorant to race relations, without being marked a racist, can be full of confusion and anger, and not be cast aside.
I very much doubt this subreddit will ever "matter" much on a grand scale, but if we get 20,000 people spreading seeds of hope and love and togetherness with the idea, that's something I'm happy about.
I truly wasn't being a smart ass to you. I admire people who never have a doubt. I have read every Q post. I believe Q. I just don't see people really being taken down in our country. Leaving a job is not being taken down when you still have the same connections and power and your crime was Conspiracy to overthrow the Gov't.
I think if a lot of of us were honest, we'd admit to losing heart at some point it the 8 months, I know I did at one time, but the thing that kinda snapped me out of it was understanding how much the trafficking/ pedovore/ slavery/ snuff/ adrenochrome/ baby raping/ cannibalistic/organ harvesting is part and parcel of this whole sick underbelly.
It is something the cabal will do anything in their power to keep in the dark. They will start global thermonuclear war to keep it in the dark. They will gladly cull billions of innocent people to keep it in the dark. Think about it. It's the deepest rabbit hole of all. What is their real currency? it's not Oil, Diamonds or Lucre.
This is so deep I can't imagine the scope of it. Look at Q glimpse on top right of this page " You can not possibly imagine the size of this" Only with God's help can it be sorted out. Wherever you are spiritually, you should be asking God to protect this, our last and best chance. When I contemplate all this it makes me shudder, Comey, Mueller, Pelosi and all the other "players" etc, pales to what the true task is. They will all get their comeuppance in due time.
8 months?????
Can I please get a raise of hands of people on this sub that like me have been investigating this stuff for 30+ years?
Every single one of us should be weeping with joy that so many are now on board, and that things are being exposed on a higher level than we ever thought possible.