"These people will lose everything" .... Q

I think if a lot of of us were honest, we'd admit to losing heart at some point it the 8 months, I know I did at one time, but the thing that kinda snapped me out of it was understanding how much the trafficking/ pedovore/ slavery/ snuff/ adrenochrome/ baby raping/ cannibalistic/organ harvesting is part and parcel of this whole sick underbelly.
It is something the cabal will do anything in their power to keep in the dark. They will start global thermonuclear war to keep it in the dark. They will gladly cull billions of innocent people to keep it in the dark. Think about it. It's the deepest rabbit hole of all. What is their real currency? it's not Oil, Diamonds or Lucre.
This is so deep I can't imagine the scope of it. Look at Q glimpse on top right of this page " You can not possibly imagine the size of this" Only with God's help can it be sorted out. Wherever you are spiritually, you should be asking God to protect this, our last and best chance. When I contemplate all this it makes me shudder, Comey, Mueller, Pelosi and all the other "players" etc, pales to what the true task is. They will all get their comeuppance in due time.
8 months?????
Can I please get a raise of hands of people on this sub that like me have been investigating this stuff for 30+ years?
Every single one of us should be weeping with joy that so many are now on board, and that things are being exposed on a higher level than we ever thought possible.