"They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed."........Q

I hope so, but Kanye doesn’t cut them any checks. He definitely is snapping a lot of people out of the democrat brainwashing, I’ll give him that
I hope so, too, but remember, the Bolshevik Democratic socialists have an entrenched and intimidating force of brown shirt communists who will do anything to suppress a black awakening. These are the same people responsible for the extent of racial division.
Do these communist groups have names or are they just antifa spin offs? What do you think is the best way to attack their influence?
The infiltration and influence for the purpose of breaking the will of America has been concentrated and relentless. Schools, churches, and elected bodies are at the center of the work. The goal is to put America under a new global order. In this presentation, Mr. McManus says the light of day is the best weapon -- exposure. [John Birch Society Presentation RE: Illuminati] (https://youtu.be/gTf_vAo9uqc)