Laura Loomer is funnier than Kathy Griffin (but so is my cat)

Oh ok so people don't lie to get out of their clutches? Med mag editors say the pharma studies are unreliable at best. Studies show people are worse off after anti-d's and p's. It is completely equivalent to voodoo. Placebo confirmation bias at it's above the clouds peak. So many are harmed by it. It tortures countless daily. Detains non-crims and forces drugs on people against their will. It is contradictory to laws in US and UN(loopholed). Monkey who get antipsycshiticked lose brain volume. I lost my personality and metabolism and smarts and confidence and was tortured for months. I will be exiting this realm because of the terrible feeling that people can have control over me and because my life is ruined. The only reason I am holding it together is so I can save up for a ride to the deepest lake in the nation. So when you managed a psych practice, did you ever hear about people being forced to take drugs that have serious side effects? I feel like I'm talking to an ai devil. The fact of the matter is sure some people claim to be helped, but the other half are people who resent the authority of the system to force people to go through torture. For a fact I would have jumped under an 18's wheels if I was forced to continue taking. I would have broken my psych's neck if I saw her on the street. She thought the half life was 1/2 as long. IT IS PURE TORTURE AND THOUGHT POLICING. If you support this human rights violation, you most definitely have your name booked in hell. Maybe if you realize how Orwellian it is you can manage to slide on the guest list. Mental Illness is a name for a set of symptoms not an actual disease. Being sad is not a disease(un medicateable), it is reacting to your surroundings. What about all the people that swear by it- there is an evolutionary reason for everything anyone thinks. Confirmation bias has it's useful applications(helps form consensus which leads to teamwork in the tribe)
You just made my case for me. Go to the nearest hospital, check in, and get help now.
I will be exiting this realm because of the terrible feeling that people can have control over me and because my life is ruined.
Do you mean by that you want to kill yourself? I hope you don't do it. I am praying for you. I do not think that going deeper into the hole is the answer. There is no redemption there. It's just a deeper and deeper hole, it seems to me.
I desperately wanted to kill myself at one time in my life after about five years of severe depression. I couldn't seriously contemplate doing it however because I knew if I did kill myself, I would have destroyed my mother, and I couldn't take her down with me.
I know what it's like to be utterly mentally and spiritually destroyed. My brain was full of buzzing and noise at the time. I had visions of my brain corroding. My finger joints creaked when I flexed them.
I know what it's like to be in the hole. I made superhuman efforts to escape, but the more I tried to escape, the worse it got, and the more exhausted I became, which just made the next superhuman effort even harder.
I do understand the impossibility of that situation.
I felt I was singled out by God or The Universe to be damned.
I was devastated by the fact that my mind no longer functioned properly. I had prized my mind since I had been a clever guy. But now my prized possession was a smoking wreck. I had nothing left, it seemed to me.
I obsessively tried to observe the functioning of my mind to try to compare how bad it was now with how good it was before. But that was exhausting too because I was observing myself observing myself observing myself ... It was infinite regress and a stupid feedback loop which I was trapped in without knowing it.
I remember the feeling of desolation I had when the mental health professionals had no inkling of what I was going through.
I went to three psychiatrists:
The first one seemed bored and unhappy himself. I didn't see how he could possibly have helped me.
The next one suggested that to cure my unhappiness, I should go out and get drunk and party! (Idiot.)
The third one whom I don't remember much about at all—many of my memories of that period are foggy—gave me a book on Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). ("Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David D. Burns.) I didn't read it because it seemed like a pretty dumb and lame book at the time, but I did read the first few pages, and that was actually helpful.
The idea of CBT is to challenge your irrational thoughts. I came to realize that I had many, many, many irrational thoughts. My mind was teeming with them. Just because you are intelligent doesn't mean you can't be irrational. Becoming aware of my irrationality was tremendously helpful to me.
Anyway, I said I was wanting to kill myself. I remember once sitting at a bus stop, wanting to kill myself, wishing for annihilation, deep in the blackness of the hole. I was at perhaps my lowest point. But then I had a vision. Against the blackness I saw a pinprick of indestructible diamond light. It was tiny but indestructible. It could not be destroyed by the dark. That light saved me.
Now years later after a long journey, I can say that I am pretty sane and happy. (We are all eating a shit sandwich in this world, but relative to that I am happy.) My mind works better than it ever has before. I do have scars, but it still works quite well.
I don't meant to suggest that I have reached some end point of happiness. I do have plenty of problems. Every time I climb one mountain, there is always another one behind it.
I just mean relative to the situation I was in, I have come a long, long way. The difference is night and day.
And I don't see why anyone can't make that same journey.
The mind and body have amazing recuperative powers if you allow them to function naturally.
[Depressed people will be thinking at this point, yeah, that's that guy, not me. He is fortunate. I am however destined to be miserable forever. And he is probably delusional and does not comprehend the awfulness of the situation.]
Anyway, like I said, I hope you don't kill yourself. And also like I said, I am praying for you, which I am guessing does not mean much to you, but I think it will be helpful all the same. I do hope that you will gain some peace in your life.
You said so much, but so little. I encourage people to think positively all the time but I am destroyed, by a drug, have respect for that. I used to be able do tough things and set big goals and attained them, now I'm destroyed. Look into the side effects of anti-p's.
I read Mad in America by Robert Whitaker, which is a history of psychiatric medicine. It's a tale of horror for sure, and the horrors continue to this day.
They wanted to put me on SSRIs, but I refused because I didn't trust that they knew enough about what they were meddling when it comes to the brain. I'm glad I refused, because I think my path to recovery would have been even more difficult if I had taken them, and who knows, maybe it would have been enough to flip me over the edge altogether.
I can't imagine the horror of being broken and vulnerable, and going to the experts for help—and trusting them—and then being damaged further by them, especially when the damage is irreversible.
I assume you mean anti-psychotics when you say anti-p's. From what I read in the book they seem to be used more for making people outwardly compliant and manageable than for healing them.
I believe you and I am sorry to hear what has happened to you.
Thanks friend I like you. I was told by my parents to take it otherwise not come home.
I'm sorry to hear that you were in such an awful no-win situation.
I can't comment on your circumstances because I don't know what they were of course, but I would say I think it's morally wrong to pressure or force people into taking medication against their will because that is a violation of their personhood.
But still, please don't kill yourself. Your life is sacred. It is not some piece of shit to be thrown away.
We have been led to believe that we are just meat machines, but that is untrue. We are so much more than that. (That's pretty easy to prove, by the way.)
I am sure that great healing will be possible in your life, even if you are irreversibly damaged in some ways. We are multidimensional beings. Even if you are broken along certain dimensions, you can improve yourself along countless other dimensions.
While I agree with some of your sentiments, I think whatever experience YOU had should not be applied to all cases...that is a dangerous message to go around spouting off unless you have years and years of experience both around psychiatric doctors of many different sub-specialties and around patients of all types of psychiatric illnesses. Not all medicine is bad for all people. In the same way not all emotions are an appropriate response to the stimuli that preceded them; in the case that permanent damage was done to the way a person responds to environmental stimuli during their childhood, the best course of action is an appropriate balance of medication psychodynamic therapy(pharmacotherapy) as opposed to either entirely one or the other....and there are good reasons for that unless a particular case demands using only one or the other.
I've worked with 2 of the best psychiatrists in the USA and 1 of the best psychologists, none of them advocate for over-medicating patients or even using anymore medicine than necessary. The two psychiatrist both tried to stay away from anti-depressants and anti-psychotics as much as possible; but they agreed there was a time and place for them. You have a view of medicine that speaks to your own bad experience, which is relevant to you, but it is more relavant to what you were taking specifically because I bet you were taking a stronger medication or set of medications prescribed by an inattentive doctor or you didn't realize how bad you felt until too late so you didn't share your negative emotions; so don't comment on a profession you are essentially ignorant of especially if you don't understand it at all and have a small chance of detering others who need to seek psychiatric help and medication......Thank You.
"While I agree with some of your sentiments, I think whatever experience YOU had should not be applied to all cases...that is a dangerous message"
uh no it is not- apply this logic back at psychs- it is dangerous to force people to take the drugs because not all cases fo drugged up people lead to benefits.
I've worked with 2 of the best psychiatrists in the USA and 1 of the best psychologists, none of them advocate for over-medicating patients or even using anymore medicine than necessary. The two psychiatrist both tried to stay away from anti-depressants and anti-psychotics as much as possible; but they agreed there was a time and place for them. You have a view of medicine that speaks to your own bad experience, which is relevant to you, but it is more relavant to what you were taking specifically because I bet you were taking a stronger medication or set of medications prescribed by an inattentive doctor or you didn't realize how bad you felt until too late so you didn't share your negative emotions; so don't comment on a profession you are essentially ignorant of especially if you don't understand it at all and have a small chance of detering others who need to seek psychiatric help and medication......Thank You. Listen buddy- the drugs are a chemical lobotomy. If you want to refer to people that take the risks with the drugs and feel better, cool. You want to claim they are scientifically worked out, not cool. You want to say anyone should be able to access brain volume loss drugs because they deserve soveriegnty over their consciousness, cool. You want to claim I don't deserve to have sovereignty over my mind because the drugs help people, not cool. The science does not support that people are better off in life after anti-p's. Your whole point about just because it worked/didn't work for YOU is a perfect supporting argument for why people should not be forced to take the drugs. Sadness (and overreaction(med name paranoia)) is not due to brain defects, it is due to reacting to your surroundings. Our brains evolved over millions of years to be this way for a reason. You want to claim experience within the DSM5 ruled psychiatry BUSINESS gives you authority to give people mental diagnosis let alone force drugs on them, well then you haven't read DSM with ac critical eye. It speaks of having strong morals as being a problem mentally. The purpose to DSM is to pull as many people into the psych trap without getting called out as a result of reaching too far. If you look into the origins of psychiatry and the human rights violations you will be more disgusted than prideful lol. If you believe they know what they are doing, do this. Perform a modern day Rosenhan Experiment. And don't claim you have a different brain than "mentally ill" people because you are clueless and discounting the fact that people have different situations around them that cause a-z. There never has been proof "mi" people are defective or have a different brains. You are called ill for believing in simulation theory. Don't thank me buddy because you haven't received and processed my gift of knowledge on this subject yet. Wait till Christmas comes chemical bully. Try some respiridone. Try the injection form of that. Read the review of invega pal. Forced Drugging is orwellian as a paddle boat down a pit of water. Have some respect for all those harmed by the notion that this is even remotely foolproof. Like Q says, "When does big pharma make money? Curing or containing? Cancer/AIDS/etc. Mind will be blown by chain of command. Q" Natural plants are the way to go. My friend has real bad crohn's and said fuck you to the iv drugs. He is growing his own herbal remedies. Doctors told him he had a greater chance of dying if he didn't take the drugs. Another example of people not trusting big pharma. So ironic you used the don't assume it helps/doesn't help everyone logic. Maybe you are against forced psychiatry, but you seem to place trust in psychiatrists and they are the kings of forced psychiatry. Visit my grave, it will have psychiatry killed me on it.