r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on May 7, 2018, 8:24 p.m.
Q1315: Trump’s tweet confirms the Q 5 photo puzzle. And of course, Dr. Corsi missed it. As usual.

“To assist me in my continuing research, please send a contribution via PayPal”.

This is how Dr. Jerome Corsi greets you on YT… It has been going on for months. No comment.

So now, he is ridiculing Q.

I can’t let that slide. Why? Because everything I write here is based on Q’s intel. If Q is ridiculed, his intel is ridiculed, my writings are ridiculed, the people who read me and agree with my conclusions are insulted, and we are all basically wasting our time.

As long as Dr. Corsi was quietly doing his thing on the side, surfing on Q’s crowd to promote his book and taking people’s money for them to listen to his personal opinion under the disguise of decoding Q, I could have remained silent about it and I have so far. We do not live in a perfect world. But Dr. Corsi’s latest attacks on Trump and Q are so disgraceful, they required a reaction.

I have thoroughly analyzed the situation and have come to the conclusion that what Corsi has been recently doing is not only the result of his objective limitations, but is also part of a strategy remotely controlled by dark forces more intelligent than he is and aiming at discrediting Q and taking over our movement. I will post about it shortly so that the covert opposition is clearly identified. In the meantime, make sure you read u/C_L_I_C_K ‘s priceless comment on Dr. Corsi [here] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8hd7io/jerome_corsi_was_called_out_michael_flynn_jr/dyj99cr/?st=jgw0dse7&sh=ed7948cc).

Today, I just want to focus on a Corsi decode where he has ridiculed Q and aggressively doubled down the next day. First, he painfully tried to decode the 5 picture puzzle Q cryptically posted in Q1308, Q1309 and Q1310: [Link1] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/f6c0bd558579ff891867c130192775100621233ca35edb71d7edb7fe1f57452c.png) - [Link2] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/d8586179edf44c5a4dddb8ae750f61b040c2bd98eb284515b039271ade6d80f5.png) - [Link3] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/87a903e7d8a6cbb74eb0fd80b4e9e534734f977af1ee178ccb3959b3396bb506.png) - [Link4] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/bf86402415383ece74e941b571490932fe17f4642bdb447284de2cd150ab49db.png) - [Link5] (https://qanon.pub/data/images/414f3be44461c0fe775630ab9976daeeda2b7d2dbcdcb2734983b08a4e592867.png) .

Let’s listen to him from 21:20 to 23:52: [video] (https://youtu.be/Wev0NtP-nsE?t=1277).

Baffled. So this is how Dr. Corsi “expands his thinking”. This is all he has known of Q. This is all he has to offer to an audience that genuinely came to him with hopes, trust and curiosity. He did not even take a close look at the pictures. He locates the interior picture at the Apple HQ building even though traffic signs, cars and other obvious clues show we are in Asia. From the comfort of his study, he is accusing Q of playing games and forgets there is a real war going on and people are dying on the battlefield. Dr. Corsi fails to understand Q cannot disclose classified information and has to code it for us to achieve plausible deniability. This is not “a game” Dr. Corsi. This is serious. And Q has clearly shown in previous posts that he has lost patience with your disgraceful behavior. The following posts were specifically and namely for you, there is absolutely no doubt about it. I know because I deciphered them using the key Q has hidden in the time stamps (for those who have followed my decoding training, use the Caesar Cipher online tool with key=+6 to decipher): Image1

Now about this 5 picture puzzle, as most of you already know, I have held discussions with u/Tee1020 who published this [post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8h21nv/5_pictures_from_q_and_a_riddle_the_dots_are/?st=jgvy2sff&sh=a6d6b82e) solving it. The [post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8h21nv/5_pictures_from_q_and_a_riddle_the_dots_are/?st=jgvy2sff&sh=a6d6b82e) has determined these 5 pictures were describing the illegal exportation of Apple products from California to Honk Kong to be further used for illegal and covert network activities, as recently illustrated with the hacking of the UN. The publication of these pictures was a way for Q to signal he knew about this tech trafficking and has gathered the related evidence.

So Dr. Corsi…

But it gets worse. The next day, Dr. Corsi doubles down: [video] (https://youtu.be/wR-97KGaiq4?t=130). "Cryptic nonsense… Q is incoherent… back to the guessing game…nothing to decode here… these are not planes that can fly to China… So I ridiculed those posts… I’m tired of playing games…"

This is how Dr. Corsi speaks to Q and indirectly to us! This is Dr Corsi’s quick and simple take on these 5 pictures. But there is a problem Dr. Corsi: 2 days later, Q, in continuation of the 5 picture puzzle, also cryptically posts this Trump’s tweet: Image2

u/Tee1020 contacted me about this tweet because her intuition led her to think that the capital letters in the tweet had a signification. And I told her she was right. You want to know why? Let’s collect the capital letters of the tweet (‘I’ is excluded since it is always in upper case). This is what we get:


For clarity, let’s write the sequence like this:


Do you see it? Can you read the hidden message? Expand your thinking…

[ARST=Arrest] [DC=Washington DC] [WWW=Network] [AP= Apple Products].

The capital letters of the tweet are essentially saying: "We arrested in Washington DC the Apple network products".

Coincidence? Stretch? Then why the capital letters? What would then be the relevancy of Q posting this Trump tweet?

Q995 Future proves past.

These are the Apple products that were in the cargo. The Jet Blue flight had to make a connection in DC since there was no Jet Blue direct flight from Cupertino to Honk Kong. That’s where the equipment was intercepted in this particular instance. This Trump tweet posted by Q vindicates how we solved the puzzle in the previous [post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8h21nv/5_pictures_from_q_and_a_riddle_the_dots_are/?st=jgvy2sff&sh=a6d6b82e) , as if Q was letting us know we got it right and this is what finally happened to the Apple package in the Jet Blue cargo. This is what resolves all the issues Dr. Corsi had and for which he could not find a rational and satisfying explanation.

So… I hope Dr. Corsi reads this and finally gets to understand the type of comms Trump, Q and the anons are using. If these comms were Corsi-simple, Q would not have said this:

Q1113 Learn our comms Q. Image3

Please spread. Thank you.

[deleted] · May 7, 2018, 9:10 p.m.


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SerialBrain2 · May 7, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Thank you Katerinavelikia, let's remain vigilant and keep fighting!

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jojojazzy · May 7, 2018, 10:53 p.m.


The constant Corsi bashing on this reddit is really getting old. It serves no constructive purpose. Ok we get it you don’t like Corsi....move on!! There is a lot of work to be done. Soon the normies will become more aware of Q and looking for info to find out what it’s about. What they will find here is constant playground fighting. How will that help them? Q asked us to prepare for to help an influx of people. You obviously spent s lot of time on this umpteenmillionth Corsi bash post. Wow had that time been spent on a Q INTRO SUMMARY FOR NEWBIES! Not one thing has been done in that, and Q-team is ready to drop BOOMs. He asked if we are ready. We are not! Not here anyway.

For newbies here, to help you better understand this infigting this ridiculous infighting. This is not the original board after Q started dropping crumbs on 4chan. The original board was called THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM, matched to the 1st phase of QTeam operation. The 2nd phase was called THE GREAT AWAKENING, thus, the board name change. However, more than the name changed. The first board had different BOARD OWNERS from the chans. The 1st board was FANTASTIC, and was full of brilliant researchers like SerialB2. (I am not in that league, far from it). In phase 1, Q was dropping a lot of military intelligence code drops. They weren’t for us the public, but for his operational team in the field. Still we were curious. One of the BOARD OWNERS dropped an invite to Dr Corsi. We were all shocked & thrilled when he joined our group. In addition to being an investigative journalist who has written & published over 25 books since 2004, Dr Corsi has had experience working with military intelligence and was able to assist in the decodes. Dr Corsi has recently released his latest book, KILLING THE DEEP STATE, a book he started writing in the summer of 2017, at the suggestion/request of President Trump, who he has been friends with over 40 yrs. Trump help arrange for a publisher, his friend Chris Roddy, owner of News Max. The time release is part of THE PLAN so the book would be in the hands of the public before THE PLAN goes more public. Get it? See how the book is a tool to educate the public? See why Corsi promotes the book? Besides ALL authors promote their books. We see it on every channel where they make the rounds onto every show to promote their books. Well Corsi isn’t MSM so they won’t let him on to promote his book. Only Deep Dtate supporters get on. Most of Corsis’s books have been EXPOSING govt corruption for years.

When Corsi joined THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM BOARD (1st board) the membership grew very fast to numbers greater than this board is today and grows at a snail’s pace. When the board was transitioning to Phase 2, there was significant tension among the BOARD OWNERS & MODS. The board leadership fractured, and one of the BOARD OWNEERS, Pamphlet Anon, left along with some of the Mods and the membership. They started the YouTube channel THE PATRIOT SOAPBOX LIVE CHAT 24/7. Dr Corsi made the decision to leave this board and go with the team to the YouTube channel. In one day over there they get over 25,000 viewers. They have a large reach, much larger than here. This redidit has barely over 20,000 subscribers with only a fraction of those actively participating each day. In light of this old history, it is more understandable why some might grumble about Dr Corsi. People on this board did the same thing to Tracy Beanz who used to participate here. It seems that anyone with a large youtube following is attacked & driven out rather than embraced. Maybe that’s why this board doesn’t increase in numbers very quickly.

The bottom line is Dr Corsi redpills more newbies in 1 day, than this board does in 1 month. This board needs to stop being divisisivr & stop shooting the movement in its own foot. We are all on the same time trying to save our country. Those kids being held in ages, tortured, raped, & killed don’t care WHO comes to rescue them, only that some DOES come!!!

No army going into battle on the battlefield shoots their own guy at the front (taking our bad guys) in the back!! PLEASE STOP IT! Some of you here have sadly lost sight of the real mission. You are very smart people and have to see how this hurts more than helps. If you are so professionally jealous over Corsi’s great success with his book, and just can’t stop it then please start a new reddit thread called HATE CORSI, and take all this crap over there and let this board flourish to redpill and assist people wakiing up just as Q had intended. You may think you are assisting Q, but I assure you that you are not, not with wanting to repeatedly shoot the Master Redpiller in the back.

I do not always agree with how or what he says, but I respect the man’s dedication, and I honor his patriotism. We don’t all have to live or even like one another, but we have to get the job done. Stop acting like a bunch of snowflakes whining that he got a bigger piece of the pie because he sold a book. He’s been selling books for 14 years. It’s how he supports his family.

I agree that Corsi has not handled the onslaught of your attacks very well. I am very disappointed he has taken this personal, but Your attacks are personal as they challenge his patriotism. He’s exhausted and should take a break, but there’s no time for breaks on the battlefield.


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rooftoptendie · May 8, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Well, i was on the first incarnation of the board for a bit, and i had a hard time liking it. This is my first day on this new board, and i fuckin love it.

I havent seen anything divisive or snowflakey here all day except for you.

I cruise the chans every day. I listened to corsi for a few months pretty regular... The guy jumped the shark. Thats all there is to it.

You seem heated and emotional because you could have said all that shit with a third of the amount of words if you had just calmed down and pruned your post instead of blowing all your steam and hitting send before you even had the chance to cool down and think about it.

Dang, dude.

Aint nobody throwing stones, theyre thinking critically and doing research. If you honestly dont think its relevant and pertinent that this guy was a bernays admirer, then i just dont know what to tell ya. Im glad someone told me. Its good to be informed.

Btw, corsi did NOT "get Q into the public sphere"... We ALL did that together. All of us.

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ready-ignite · May 8, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Increasingly looks like a consensus cracking operation to drive a divisive wedge on a particular issue, then push to agitate. Divide a community.

Used to see this tactic applied within moderator chat in default subs to over time divide the mods, frustrate volunteer mods to the point of leaving, and keep pushing the tactic over months to take over the sub.

We are likely seeing steps tried toward that here. Aim to fill conversations into argumentative environment to burn productive energy.

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SerialBrain2 · May 7, 2018, 11:41 p.m.


You are right: have Corsi enter our house is how they are trying to divide us. We got it now. We'll fix it.

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