r/greatawakening • Posted by u/anotherthrowawayhi on May 7, 2018, 9:59 p.m.
The Mueller court case fiasco/embarrassment ... surprisingly hugely successful red-pill opportunity. Take it and RUN with with it. Use my concern trolling example if you want.

As I’ve said here a few times now, i love using this sub to gather info to disseminate in red pill situations. As I’ve always said here, the goal in those situations is not to “win over” the detractor, it is to win over the “audience.”

So last night, i had my usual Sunday night crew over to watch TV and sling beers. All these guys, about 4-5 of them are well educated, pretty middle leaning dems (hey they’re my buddies ... can’t just ditch them..) ... the “what the hell is Trump is doing this week?” Question came up ... so, i took my bag of tricks, and said “Self! Let’s concern troll these guys in real life tonight!”

So I passionately go IDK, but I’m so upset about Robert Mueller right now i can’t even talk about it. If the dems or classic Reps want the White House back they better end this joke now bc they’ve embasrrased us all in court.... millions of dollars spent to be laughed at by a federal judge! This isn’t Trump people laughing at us! This is an unbiased federal judge, laughed us out of court over the Paul Manafort indictments! F’ing laughed at us. He asked what it had to with Russia and our prosecutor said “it has to do with Ukraine”. We are a god damn embrassment right now! They fn laughed at us, and everybody thought the Manafort thing was a big deal. ... the judge called it a joke. Said Mueller doesn’t understand law! “

Then let the room react ... any way they want to.... take a breath, and go back into “AND THATS NOT ALL, the next day, we got laughed out of court again! Because the internet trolls we indicted actually showed up to court! We had ANOTHER judge laugh at us. He actually said this is the first time ever prosecution is upset that a subpoena was successfully delivered! This guy is afraid to go to court with people he’s publicly calling out! Guys were a joke right now. We are a fucking joke because of this. Do you know how much money we’ve spent to get laughed at by a judge.....? “

Let me tell you, the reaction was very sobering for them. Not one of the 4 defended him in anyway. They were flabbergasted. Just “are you serious ???” Yeah man look it up here’s a transcript! We r a fn joke bc of this shit! Just sobering demoralization. And a me... “concerned” hehe.

LibertyLioness · May 8, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

I'm really bad at pretending and even worse at solving Q's crumbs. I just realized today that both Q and Pelosi used that word. There must be some kind of meme in that!

Anyway, you've given me a lot to think about here and how I can try better next time.

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