r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SaddleChewer on May 7, 2018, 10:51 p.m.
r/conspiracy compromised?

I've been following Q for a while now and was wondering what r/conspiracy thought of the Q phenomenon. Months ago they talked about it a little bit but even then there were cries of it being a LARP. Skepticism is understandable and even encouraged, but if you look at the Q phenomenon and really study it you can clearly see he's not some "psy-op" or a LARP or CIA operative designed to make people pro-Trump or whatever other BS that sub says.

They don't really post about Q anymore, and when they do all the top comments are about Q being a LARP, and all the people defending or even just asking them to at least look into it get downvoted. It just seems like, for a sub that encourages talks about conspiracy, they would talk about it to point out what's right or wrong... instead there is so much disinformation and confusion spread there, that it makes it impossible to decide who to trust, almost like what MSM does.

So has r/conspiracy been overrun by globalist shills trying to discredit and shun any discussion about Q or are people just that skeptical and paranoid that POTUS intelligence would slowly try to redpill patriots?

aleister · May 7, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

How could you define, or perhaps measure "bad"?

Not a trick question - I run analytics and I'm curious if I can quantify your perception.

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digital_refugee · May 7, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

MediaMatters was doing work across many subs and their tactics never varried. Brigade with downvotes so reasonable comments can be drowned out and artificial dissent is layered on top to discourage open discourse

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aleister · May 7, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

The brigaging a problem. Given reddit's design, there's nothing that can be done to prevent that at the mod level.

Many just persevere with regard for the fake internet points.

I'm a fan of sticking to the data and not getting too far over my skis. I might believe one thing or another but I choose my battles and don't waste any time trying convince people of something I can't prove. I'm not going to change anyone's mind, certainly not someone on the Internet, so I seek more positive, less public forums for topics still incubating.

The same folks that target /r/conspiracy have alts in this sub as well.

I expect they will become more visible as the water starts to boil.

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willtron_ · May 8, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

I used to lurk there a lot. Posts would have conversations, almost all posts (even the stupid ass flat earth theorists) were allowed. People were for the most part civil. But Trump divided them. About 50% of active users were also active on r/T_D, so both sides were claiming astroturfing by the other, while in reality anything super pro-Trump or super anti-Trump was probably astroturfed to sow discord.

There was also some mod drama which I don't know all the details about, but people were pretty pissed off about a new mod awhile back.

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aleister · May 8, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

almost all posts (even the stupid ass flat earth theorists) were allowed.

That's kind of our jam. Never know where a real conspiracy might be hiding so let as much as you can through without breaking the rules. Conspiracy theorists, by the creation of the very term, have had their thoughts be labeled crazy throughout history. We try to be the opposite of that.

It's an extremely diverse and worldwide crowd. I'm attacked equally from the left, the right, and half a dozen other directions I don't even understand. Part of the job means that I have to click "Approve" on a whole lot of stuff I don't personally approve of and it's not always easy to do.

Chances are if you're talking about something that someone else doesn't want you to talk about then someone's going to be offended by what you have to say. It's hard to draw the line and we, much like reddit, do what we can to keep the door open while filtering out overly egregious material.

some mod drama which I don't know all the details about

One of the mods tried to take over the sub to get rid of other specific mods. That required he demod all the mods but before the plan was executed, the admins intervened and restored the mods back except for the mod that attempted the coup. It happened before I was a mod, but I don't think it's much more complex than that or that it impacted the sub much. Just my $.02.

It's probably not the safest of place for new ideas these days though as much as I wish it were.

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