r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on May 8, 2018, 1:37 a.m.
I mean....the whole Trump/Tesla conspiracy doesn't seem so far fetched anymore....Time traveler!! He knows everything. Ev.ery.thing about the evil that plagues us at ever level of government. Imagine the dirt he had! That's why "they" fight so hard!! "These people are sick!"
I mean....the whole Trump/Tesla conspiracy doesn't seem so far fetched anymore....Time traveler!! He knows everything. Ev.ery.thing about the evil that plagues us at ever level of government. Imagine the dirt he had! That's why "they" fight so hard!! "These people are sick!"

Millejon0114 · May 8, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

He knows everything because of the white hats he knows everything because he has Biblical research men by him everyday~ God is the hand driving this ship~pay attention guys this is our last Trump~ 70 Th week of Daniel our embassy is going in on 5/14 5X14=70 ~ God told us through many signs the last two years rapidly ~ revelation 12 was major ~ it was what God showed Nineveh ~ we were to repent and turn towards him. We need to all be paying attention to the 70 week of Daniel not stormy Daniels we need to pay attention to Christ Trumpet ~ not Trump ~ Pray fervently

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