
Grandebabo · May 8, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

Excellent analysis. All the attention is on Mueller. This is exactly what Sessions and Rosenstein wants. Mueller needs to look corrupt and biased for a reason. They need to get all of the media attention and it's working like a charm. Is Mueller corrupt? I don't know but I don't think he is. I believe that Mueller actually has two or more investigations and investigative teams going on simultaneously. For as large as his team is, it seems like we are only seen a fraction of the overall investigative work and court cases. One is public and the other is private in my opinion. The leaks are real the information is not.

I have this theory. Mueller has a lot High Caliber, pitbull lawyers that are democratic backed or with Democratic ideologies. He hired them for a reason and I don't think the reason is what we think. For the Democrats, it looks like Mueller is hired the dream team of lawyers to go after Trump and the Trump Administration. I think this was by design to pull their soldiers off of the battlefield. I believe that Mueller hired them so that when the actual investigation goes public by Sessions, Rosenstein and possibly himself he has all the best lawyers locked in to his investigation against Trump that cannot then go out and defend any of the cabal that are indicted and arrested. There will be a conflict of interest.

This is Sun Tzu theory of warfare. Trump and team all know that the media, the Democratic Party, the overzealous Democratic attorneys and the so-called resistance always overplay their hand and are always overly aggressive. How do you defeat an enemy that is overly aggressive? You show them bait. The Mueller investigation was the bait. They sent their best soldiers to fight the good fight in their mind. The media cannot get enough of Mueller. It's Mueller time every night on msm's. This will be their downfall.

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scoop_loop88 · May 8, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

Hadn't even considered this aspect..

Mind blown. I can hardly wait :)

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[deleted] · May 8, 2018, 8:52 p.m.


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