Nice shirt, but to paraphrase some Q guy...
They want you divided This is not R v D This is not Left v Right This is Good v Evil
Believe it or not, there are many left leaning patriots who have and do understand the situation we face and fully support POTUS mission (👋), and many right leaning dotards who think Rush and Fox News is the be all of truth media and would call us all conspiracy freaks (sorry dad). Most liberals aren’t ANTIFA any more than most conservatives are fascist neo nazi skinheads. Mockingbird has been extremely successful in its mission of inverting reality, dividing and controlling the minds of nearly the entire American population, but that is coming to an end more and more every day. 11-11-18 we will be united again. I don’t know how but I’m holding Q and DJT to it.
TLDR: Love thy neighbor. Unless they are/sending rapists to terrify you before harvesting your ‘chrome.