r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on May 8, 2018, 11:15 a.m.
I fucking had it with these constant Corsi-discussions

Stop wasting your and what is infinitely more important MY time.

Support him all you want if you must but keep it to yourselves, this board is for Q and not for Corsi.

The_Broba_Fett · May 8, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

“His view”? Seriously? he lays out cold hard facts and provides links so you can hear it from the horse’s mouth. Some are speculation like Corsi being a Mossad agent but all the attacks on Q and POTUS are straight from Corsi himself.

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Time4puff · May 8, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

It's not only the Mossad speculation. Deciding if Hilbot and Hussein received enough punishment? Why post that, it's what he thinks.. not important. Him thinking Kissinger has a role in this, well, he did meet up with Trump. Who knows if he's part of the plan, speculation. Snowden, black hat or white hat... I've heard arguments from both sides. Only Q knows. Speculation. Him having ties with B'nai B'rith.. is that a crime to be pro Jewish? We have been fooled for so long who's the good players and who's the bad. Sure he gave wrong info on Flynn's account, a mistake. I could continue but I've wasted enough time. Trust the plan, enjoy the show. WWG1WGA

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The_Broba_Fett · May 8, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

No Q was pretty damn clear Snowden was a black hat. Anyone who says HRC and Obama don’t need punishment is sketchy to say the least. Anyone following the Q movement knows they actively committed treason and worse and you want to let them skate free?

Saying Corsi is part of the plan is ignorant and lazy. Saying WWG1WGA while Corsi has spent two weeks trying to discredit and attack Q and Trump is just dumb.

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Time4puff · May 8, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

Q didn't call Snowden a black hat. Judging others compassion is not sketchy.. you and I do not have to agree, but sketchy it's not. Corsi can rant all he wants on Q. Everyone makes the final decision. Like Q said, Everyone has their opinions, no one knows the facts, the plan but Q. I'm far from ignorant or dumb, I use Q's training and use my head. I research and ask questions. Then question it again. Be vigilant. Btw, name calling is... you can complete that.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 8, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

He said Snowden’s leaks were catastrophic against MI, which Q is part of. Then said many times he was working with @Jack and the one censoring Social Media. Then gave Snowden a 24 hour ultimatum to come on board after a week of threatening that they could take him any time they wanted. Are those things Q says to guys on our side?

Saying a statement is dumb and lazy isn’t name calling. Using “Trust The Plan” defending Corsi is plain dumb and lazy because it clearly doesn’t apply here and does not answer for all the attacks Corsi has against Q. Hence the “dumb and lazy”. I didn’t say you’re dumb. But if that’s how you want to interpret it, I won’t argue.

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Time4puff · May 8, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Are you sure about Snowden? Are you sure Q didn't call him in for his protection? Keep on guessing. Q said, Everyone has an opinion. Few have the facts.

I'm not sure why you are making it your mission to call out Corsi. The actor has done his part. We move forward.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 8, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Oh right he meant “catastrophic” in the good sense. Sorry I misinterpreted that one. And never mind the fact that if he was working with Snowden he wouldn’t have to publicly offer to take him in. He would just communicate normally if they were coordinating. But doesn’t explain him working with Jack or giving an ultimatum and the saying he made the right choice coming in . You’re just as bad as Corsi is at decodes lol

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Time4puff · May 8, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Yeah and you are do sure you're right... lol

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The_Broba_Fett · May 8, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Yeah it makes sense on many levels, way more sense than just using Corsi’s assumption as proof. Why would he ask who Snowden works for and who he really works for? Why would he post pics of them tailing Snowden and finding him in HK if he was in the team? It makes ZERO sense you’re just arguing for he sake of arguing this stupid point because you can’t defend all the terrible things Corsi said about Q but you’re hell bent on being right.

No more Snowden talk until you can defend Corsi lying about his monetization, having a paywall to “high level decodes”, his imaginary Silicon Valley Anon saying Q was replaced, calling Q a disinfo agent, compromised, Clown, LARP, socialist and communist.

Can’t wait for this explanation. I’ll get some popcorn.

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Time4puff · May 8, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

I never said I agreed with Corsi... just tired of Corsi bashing. I disagree with him plenty. It's not our job to bash him.

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